How we went to the Museum of Beer and Oktoberfest / Reviews of Tours and Attractions Munich


Many probably Munich travelers are primarily associated with the beer and the famous Oktoberfest festival, well, and beer itself - respectively with Munich! Therefore, it would probably be wrong if there was no museum of beer in this glorious city. And he is actually a museum of beer and octoberfest.

Here it is, then we decided to visit when we arrived in Munich for several days. I still have something interesting - we did not immediately find information about this museum, for some reason he is not so popular as for example the BMW Museum or Pinakotek. Yes, and it is not open, in fact, it is not so long - in 2005, while Oktoberfest traditions are already at least 200 years old, but it is not worth talking about the old beer.

How we went to the Museum of Beer and Oktoberfest / Reviews of Tours and Attractions Munich 24885_1

In general, as a result, we found it. If anyone is interested, then here is his address - Sterneckerstrasse, 2. It is located so cozy in an old building, which was built after a great fire, which happened (for a second) in 1327! It is only worth crossing the threshold of this house, as you immediately disappear all doubts about his age - creaking floorboards, for which it is necessary to step with great care, narrow stairwens, some mysterious doors, some of which for some reason closed on the castle, and from This creates naturally large intrigue.

In general, we went to an independent journey through the museum. Here on several floors there is an exposition in which if in general, it is told about the five-thousand mealer (!) Experience in brewing. It turns out the very first mention of cooking beer is found in ancient Mesopotamia. Well, then, it's already directly closer to Germany - how the traditions of Bavarian brewing were emerged, and so consistently before the Oktoberfest festival.

How we went to the Museum of Beer and Oktoberfest / Reviews of Tours and Attractions Munich 24885_2

Oktoberfest was held in 1810 and he was timed to say so to speak to the wedding of the future king Ludwig I and Princess Teresa Saxon. And since then, every year, without exception in October, all fans of this foam drink from Germany and numerous tourists are collected. I do not know who considered it, but the knowledgeable people claim that this universal feast is going somewhere up to 6 million people!

We saw inside the museum a lot of different exhibits connected exclusively with beer topics - a whole bunch of beer glasses and mugs. They struck the fact that many of them can be considered real works of art, they are so cool they are painted! Many naturally all sorts of posters and posters, banners of Oktoberfest, well, that's all that in the same vein.

How we went to the Museum of Beer and Oktoberfest / Reviews of Tours and Attractions Munich 24885_3

We really liked the exposition dedicated directly to Oktoberfest - there are some kind of dashed beers, pretzels, then gingerbread and all sorts of various attributes on this festival of the abdomen. It turned out very cool pictures there.

Well, after we were plentifully in narrow corridors and a creamy ladder, inspected the entire museum, we naturally went to the real beer, which is in the basement and enjoy the delicious Bavarian beer. The museum works from Tuesday to Saturday with an hour of day and up to six o'clock in the evening. On holidays museum weekend. An adult ticket costs 4 euros, family - 6, and if a group of 6 people come from 6 people, then the ticket should be paid for 3 euros.

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