Visa to Egypt.


Egypt along with Turkey and Thailand is the country visited by Russian tourists. It can even be said that, for example, Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada are our, Russian resorts. Because our native speech can be heard everywhere. The Government of Egypt cannot do not take into account and not be loyal to us. After all, tourism is the main article of the income of this country and difficult to imagine how Egypt will be able to survive without this very article. Therefore, a visa to this country is even required, but it is all purely formally and these $ 25, which you need to pay for it can not even be considered. It can even be said that this is a alms for the poor Egyptians.

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After all, if the fee per visas is canceled, it can negatively say on the budget and not the richest country. By the way, the cost of it only since May this year increased, before that it cost five dollars less. The visa put directly at the airport during passport check and the only requirement is that the passport period must be at least six months from the day the border crossing. But I want to say that many are entering and without complying with this demand and Egyptian customs officers are loyal to them. However, this remark should not be perceived as a call to action and should not risk.

In Cairo, for example, passport control takes place very quickly, I missed me in 5 minutes. And in resort cities will have to defend the turn consisting of our compatriots. The validity period of the visa is a month, and if the tourist plans to spend time only in South Sinai and in Sharm el-Sheikh, you can generally get a free visa for 15 days. True, formally attend the limits of this region can not, although who will check there at all.

To visit Egypt, citizens of Belarus and Ukraine expect exactly the same procedure. If the child is inscribed from the passport of his parents, then he should not pay a visa.

And if for any reason the tourist will decide to stay on the territory of Egypt, then despite the delay period, if you arrive, it will need to pay a fine of $ 22 and fly calmly, but there is one thing. It will be able to fly away only from Cairo Airport, and a regular flight. From Hurghada or from Sharm el-Sheikh, it is forbidden to fly away.

There is also an option to place a visa at Egypt's Embassy.

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There are options for obtaining a single, multiple and transit visa. I was in this embassy and it made me not very nice impression. Of course, I understand that Egypt is not a rich country. But still, it was possible to find money on the replacement of the shapper furniture on a new one and the installation of air conditioners in the field of waiting. But this does not apply to the case.

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In addition to the passport and its six-month stock, you need to make a copy of its first pages, a photo and a questionnaire in English. In addition, the voucher of travel agencies or hotel, photocopy of the Russian passport and the insurance policy will be required. Children under 18 should still make a birth certificate.

Citizens of Russia should still be paid at the Embassy of the consular fee of 350 rubles, and citizens of other countries - 860 rubles. Children under 12 years old are exempt from this payment.

Embassy of Egypt in Moscow

Address: 119034, Moscow, Kropotkinsky per. 12

Phone / Fax: (499) 246-30-96, 246-02-34, 246-30-80, 246-10-64

Observe all the rules are not at all difficult, the Government of Egypt is not beneficial to create difficulties to tourists.

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