Where is it better to relax in Egypt? Which resort choose?


Egypt is one of the most popular mass directions where tourists fly annually, both in the summer and in winter. Most attracts this country with its dry climates, a beautiful sea and a holiday recreation system. Let us not forget about world attractions such as Giza and Luxor Pyramids. Going here from tourists, especially those who have never been there to be a question here, but it is better to go to the trip to be comfortable and remembered for a long time. In my opinion, in Egypt, the choice plays a big role on the quality of rest, as much as much where.

Where is it better to relax in Egypt? Which resort choose? 2483_1

Map of Egypt with cities.

Description of Egypt resorts.

Hurghada - This is the oldest resort, it is from here and tourism began. Here for the most part of the sandy approach in the sea and there are no coral reefs near the coast. To admire the beauty of the Red Sea, tourists need to take an excursion, near the hotel they are unlikely to see any interesting. But in Hurghada, it's good to rest well with the children, there is no need to worry about them, no matter how they poured the leg about some coral, etc. The price policy of this resort is more democratic. Here are hotels on any wallet, both simple 3 * and expensive 5 *. But according to your own experience, I will say that nevertheless, here is more good 4 * and very medium 5 *. Those who fly to Egypt in order to get into Luxor and see the famous pyramids, it is worth choosing this particular resort in connection with transport accessibility. As for those who fly here, most of them are Russian and Germans. Problems with language in Hurghada you can hardly have. Every worker is bad poor, but speaks our native language with you. In addition to hotels, tourist infrastructure are well developed at the resort: shops with souvenirs, cafes, hookah, restaurants, water parks, nightclubs. It will not be boring. Often hear such an opinion that in Hurghad a little more cooler than in Sharm el-Sheikh due to the fact that the resort is not surrounded by the mountains. But on my feeling, a strong difference, I did not notice in terms of temperatures between these resorts.

Sharm el-Sheikh - The most popular and most prestigious resort. Here are more expensive hotels, world chains: Savoy, Sheraton, Hyatt, The Ritz Carlton and others. In Sharm el-Sheikh a large number of national reserves, so the diving lovers go better here. As for the beaches, they are sandy, but the occasion from the shore is impossible because of the coral reefs, so each hotel has a pontoon where you can go and go down to the water in the metal staircase. Snorkeling lovers are the perfect option, but for the elderly and families with children, it may not come true. Some hotels are clearing a small piece of entrance to the sea from the corals, but honestly, for lovers of sandy entrance to the sea, this is not a way out. If you really want in Sharm el-Sheikh, but confuses such a feature of the beaches, stay in Naama Bay Bay, there are real sandy beaches with a good occasion in the water. Just book tours there in advance, the bay is small and hotels on the first coastline are not so much. Also, the Bay of Naama Bay is considered very active and youth, so it is. There is a small number of nightclubs here, but in my opinion they are still specific, in very much preventing a large number of Egyptians wishing to meet Russian girls. At the cost of the Tura Charm El Sheikh is more expensive than the same Hurghada. Most here are hotels in 5 * with very large territories. It happens that there is absolutely no infrastructure at all near the hotel itself, so you need to take a taxi to get to the nearest village.

Where is it better to relax in Egypt? Which resort choose? 2483_2

Pontoon in Sharm el-Sheikh

El Guna - relatively young resort in Egypt. Russians are very little resting here. Most often foreigners come to El Guan: Germans, French, Dutch. The trips here are far from cheap, I would say at the level of Sharm el-Sheikh. The peculiarity of the resort is that it is located on the canals as Venice. Tourists to their hotels are brought by boats. The place is very romantic, many go to El Guan with their children, there are good sandy beaches, a lot of outflows, there are small sections with coral reefs. The peculiarity of another resort is that each tourist can always change his lunch and dinner in his hotel at a similar one.

Where is it better to relax in Egypt? Which resort choose? 2483_3

El Guna

Dahab - Resort located 100 km. From Sharm el-Sheikh. Place oriented on a calm view of the rest. There is little tourist infrastructure, Russian speech during the rest you can almost not hear, a big contrast with Hurghada and Charm. There are no active animation programs in hotels, those who come here or divers or windsurres, or those who are tired of all familiar Egypt and wanted privacy and silence. Often in Dahab come not on tourist tickets, but on their own, stopping in all sorts of inexpensive campsites. Also, this place is famous for the blue hole, where they seek to immerse much bold and experienced divers, newcomers there have nothing to do there, because even the most experienceds found their death in a blue hole.

Safaga - Another silent resort on the shore of the Red Sea, focused on a calm and economical rest. There are no expensive hotels, all hotels 3 * and 4 *. Behind them, there is no particular infrastructure, youth in Safaga will be very boring, but to families with children should think about this resort. The big plus of this place is its sandy beaches and a good occasion in the water. For those who want to see beautiful fish near the coast there are coral reefs to which you can easily swim. In general, the place is good and in my opinion underestimated from our Russian tourists who mostly go to Hurghada, and not here.

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