Oceanarium "Blue Planet" / reviews about excursions and attractions of Copenhagen


The oceanarium "Blue Planet" is not in Copenhagen itself, a countryside in 2 km from the airport. But get to no problem. There can be reached by metro and walk a little walk. Place where it is located is called Castrap, like the airport. Oceanarium is in a unique building resembling whirlpool. Large swimming pools around the building, the entrance is located in the center of "Rhodes". Already it gives the impression and heats the interest in the filling itself of the oceanarium.


And inside is more interesting. A huge number of aquariums. In many zones, twilight reigns, which creates a complete immersion effect. There is a huge Aquarium Ocean, it is located above his head and sharks and other inhabitants of the sea are swimming in it. In aquarium, which is called Evolution, the most ancient inhabitants of the planet are represented. In the area of ​​the tropics are not only fish, but also feathers. You can still see the inhabitants of the northern cold waters, admire the violence of collar fish. A lot of children's zones, for example, in one of them, children can touch marine hens and different clams.


The oceanarium is located on the seafront and has an open area, from where you can watch the marine seals. Ocanarium employees arrange a whole show during feeding. There is a cafe that has a terrace overlooking the sea and the same quotes.

The entrance is paid and expensive 25 dollars or 170 kroons, children's 95 crowns. Slightly cheaper you can buy online. And you can have free if there is a Copenhagen Card.

The oceanarium will be interesting for both children and adults. Another remark. A visit to the oceanarium can be left on the day of departure. If departure late, and from the hotel you already need to go. In such a situation, you can spend a couple of hours not in the waiting room, but considering fish. An oceanarium has a storage and dressing room and a cafe.

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