When is it better to rest in Egypt? Tips for tourists.


My husband and I adore Egypt. Were in this country I don't even remember how many times, but a lot. And somehow, as a result, it turned out that we managed to visit this country of Pharaohs in each calendar month. Of course, the year for a year is not necessary, but for myself we concluded that the most ideal months for recreation in Egypt are April and October.

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Winter in Egypt is! This is information for those who think that in Egypt it is hot all year round. Yes, this is an African country, but in December-January-February here can be quite cool. Thanks to this, the winter is the best season for the excursion program and sightseeing.

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The African sun, of course, makes his work, and in the afternoon it is necessary to walk in the headdress and smeared by protective cream, but the in the evenings absolutely does not hurt a warm sweater or a light jacket.

The temperature of the water in the sea in the winter months for me was uncomfortable (but I am a distress) degrees 19. It is possible to quickly swim, but to spend a long time in water, contemplating the perfect underwater world, it will not work. To come to the Red Sea and sit on the shore under the umbrella was sad, but the output was found quickly - hire of waterpashes. So if you are a heat-loving person, do not even suffer, wear a water-beam (the benefit of the size and thickness is rich) and forward to getting acquainted with the underwater inhabitants.

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The main problem of winter Egypt is the wind. It is he who acts shallow water. A large help from him small bays formed by the broken coastline. This is very famous for the southernmost resort - Mars Alam. Here in the winter, the most comfortable place from all Egyptian resorts.

Tips: Choose a hotel in which you will definitely be a heated pool, an ordinary pool in winter is useless - the water is wind and becomes ice.

From my experience I can say that the most warm place in the winter for us was Mars Alam, and the coolest (if not to take Cairo) - Taba.


In our country, spring is waiting with impatience and everything because of the cold climate. Spring for Russians, without exaggeration, the most favorite time of year. But in Egypt, spring with the familiar attributes (flowering trees, young green grass) is not. Here spring is just an increase in air and water temperature.

The most comfortable month is April.

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The day becomes longer. No longer cold, but still nezarko. Air warms up to 30 degrees, water up to 24-25. In April and in May in water will no longer leave and can be happy to spend a mass of time, taking water procedures. But by the middle and the end of May the heat is already beginning.


Yes, we are from those braveners who from the southern region of Russia can go in the summer to the African country. I will say right away that we did not notice any special discomfort. Yes, it's hot, yes the sun bake is strong. But we quickly oriented on the ground and came as follows.

First, swim the hours left at 6 am and before breakfast; And after 4 pm, before sunset, but must be in T-shirts - do not forget that water is a huge lens and can be burned instantly.

Secondly, they tried as little as possible on the open sun at all. And when they were, used cream with the highest degree of protection.

Thirdly (very important moment) avoided the use of strong alcohol especially during the day.

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In the evening, you can afford wine or whiskey, but in the afternoon, when the organism works at the limit, alcohol can very much harm.

Keep in mind that the excursion program in the summer is almost excluded except trips to snorkeling. It was very sorry to see what exhausted our compatriots with excursions were not so much because of the long road, how much because of the unbearable heat.


In September, it is still hot, but in the evenings it begins to feel easy freshness. October - Velvet season for Egypt. And you can go to the sightseeing tour to wander around Cairo, Pyramids, Luxor. And in the sea you swim is a pleasure.

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Perhaps October is the best month for families with kids. The sun-burning sun becomes affectionate, but to protect the skin with cream, especially children's, is still necessary. The first middle of November is similar to October, but the second is already starting to remind December weather. But again, it may be lucky and you will have time to take another comfortable water temperature, because the air will remain warm.

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Based on its experience, I can say that rest in Egypt is good at any time of the year you just need to know some nuances that I shared with you. Of course, there are exceptions to the rules, and someone transfers the heat better than me, in this case, of course, should not be abandoned from the excursion program in the summer. Just always listen to yourself and your own body and do not deny yourself anything - you are on vacation!

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