What should you expect from rest in the maritime?


Marine is a small resort village near Sudak. Where to stay can be chosen among a fairly large spectrum of offers: from private houses, small boarding houses to large holiday homes. One of the main advantages of this place is usually consistently good and clear weather for the season. The fact is that the place is located in a small valley, surrounded by the mountains, which, according to local residents, delay bad weather. Therefore, having come here, you can be almost one hundred percent sure that rest on the beach will be able to. In the afternoon, the truth is stiff and enough. But warm water and clear sun in the morning and in the evening compensate it in full.

What should you expect from rest in the maritime? 2474_1

On the coastline there were several entertainment centers, so youthing is where to get out to have fun. Although in general, for the younger generation, rest here may seem a bit boring. Yes, and get into the light here is unlikely to succeed. The best sections of pebble

What should you expect from rest in the maritime? 2474_2

The beach is broken under the zones for different boarding houses, the free beach is hardly appearing attractive, as it is in the immediate vicinity of the roadway. So it makes sense in advance to clarify the presence of your own beach. Although, as elsewhere, you can enter the territory of the beaches from the boarding houses for a fee.

What should you expect from rest in the maritime? 2474_3

In the center of the village there is a market. More precisely, it is a street crossing its central part and stretching from the house of culture to the beach. Here you can find everything: from clothes and souvenirs to fruits and local wines. Prices are quite acceptable. No cheapness, of course. But from the resort, something else can be expected. By the way, the local grapes are very tasty, so if possible, it is necessary to try it. But with wine it is better to be careful. Some varieties can be strong enough.

A convenient location makes it possible to get to neighboring cities. For example, a local bus, departing from mail or from the market, will deliver you to Sudak in 30 minutes. After learn the schedule of major flight buses, you can drive further along the coast. In addition, you can recommend and get out of one of numerous excursions offered here. If the village itself does not boast of special attractions, the terrain, located around, is quite picturesque. So miner lovers can get true pleasure from hiking.

I am glad and local cuisine. One of the local cafes can be quite decent and cheap dine. For a sufficiently modest amount, you will, as a rule, will be offered a large and tasty portion. Probably, therefore, at lunch and in the evening in local establishments, especially large, it is quite difficult to find a free place.

In general, it can be said that the marine is a good place for a measured rest without claiming and luxurious entertainment.

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