Torture Museum in Tallinn - ambiguous sensations / Reviews of tours and sights Tallinn


To confess, in the museum of torture, I would never go to the museum, as it seemed something terrible. The son at school on history passed the Middle Ages, so I pulled.

There is a museum in the very center of the city, where the route of all tourists is held. That is, even you don't need to go anywhere. According to my ideas, it was supposed to be some kind of sinister room in the appropriate entourage. And in fact - just two rooms with exhibits and descriptions in several languages, including in Russian.

Tickets and cost

Tickets are sold right in the museum, stand for an adult - 7 euros, for a schoolboy - 3.5 euros. If a schoolboy looks adulthood - they will be asked to show a passport. If another 10 euros is added to take a guide (there are exhibits descriptions, and the guide is therefore not particularly needed).


All exhibits are Novodeli. But performed quite realistic. Even I first took for real. The story of each exhibit is near. In the description in the details, it is painted how torture was carried out. Adults are not surprisingly to read this, but the teenager was very important for the torture torture with great interest. Therefore, either my parents with sons would not advise there to go there.

Torture Museum in Tallinn - ambiguous sensations / Reviews of tours and sights Tallinn 24734_1

Torture Museum in Tallinn - ambiguous sensations / Reviews of tours and sights Tallinn 24734_2

My impressions

The museum did not produce a strong impression on me or on his son. Most likely, due to the fact that there is not enough information for understanding and aware of the entire fear of those years. The submission of exhibits in the museum is comparable to some kind of museum from the depth. It would be possible to turn on or video sequence. So that visitors somehow penetrated the spirit of the time.

For general development, of course you can go to the museum. But this is not the place where you need to go specially. So, if you go past - go, look.

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