Inspirational excursion to the Holy Land / Reviews of excursion and sights of Jerusalem


The dream to visit Israel was carried out during a holiday in Sharm el-Sheikh. Actually, it was our basic goal of our husband's trip, I wanted to combine a good beach vacation and excursion program. Upon arrival, we booked a day trip to Jerusalem from our tour operator. The trip took place straight on the eve of Christmas, but I did not notice any special events about this.

We went out of the hotel we are at 10 pm. At 3 in the morning there was a border with Israel, now I will not remember the number of bandwidth and asked questions. In the country to safety belongs very seriously. Next, they moved to the bus and went to the first point of the excursion program.

Dead Sea. Since we were in the winter and got there for 4-5 in the morning, it was cold enough. While heavily, it was possible to visit the Cosmetics Store of the Dead Sea and drink coffee in a nearby cafe. At the expense of the store is a 100% tourist destination, which is purposefully carrying tourists, it is clear that prices are an order of magnitude higher than in any other store of Israel. When the street finally became light, everyone would be sent to plunge into the Dead Sea. It was cool, but it was worth it, the indescribable sensations - lie on the water and not sinking.

Inspirational excursion to the Holy Land / Reviews of excursion and sights of Jerusalem 24675_1

Bethlehem. This is the second excursion point. Bethlehem - Palestinian Authority, a place where Jesus Christ was born. Before visiting the church of the Nativity of Christ, our group was brought to the store where icons were sold. Again - all of them are sold (accurate copies), and in our country, but the fact that these icons will be with you all holy places, makes them buy them all the same. The temple is built over the cave back in 330, where Virgo Maria gave birth to the Son of God. The place is amazing, very fascinating. Being inside the temple, it is difficult to realize all the power of this place, you just feel it.

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Overview. From Bethlehem on the way to Jerusalem, our group visited a sightseeing platform from a bird's eye view, amazing view of the city. All attractions as on the palm.

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Walking through the old town. Given the fact that the duration of the excursion is one day, everything was done just lightning. I was hard and time to listen to the guide, and view the beautiful old town and take a photo. To go through the way from the Yaffian gate to the Temple of the Holy Sepulcher, pass the last five stops of the godfather to Calvary, the place where our Savior was crucified - this is the ability to rethink your life, actions and much more. On Calvary, you can see a hole that is located in a rock, where the cross was a closed cross - a believer man penetrates every minute in this place. The last stop is the Holy Sepulcher of the Lord is the greatest shrine of Christians. Every year, it is in this place for Easter a miracle is a convergence of a fertile fire.

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Wall of Tears. This is the final stage of the excursion. Here it is necessary to write a note with the most intimate desire, of course, it should not be connected with the material benefits and place it in the wall slots, by the way, it is not very easy to do. The wall is divided into two parts - the men are suitable for one, to another - women. It is forbidden to rotate to the wall back.

Inspirational excursion to the Holy Land / Reviews of excursion and sights of Jerusalem 24675_5

General impressions. I forgot to mention, we were caught a very very cool guide. All the way to Israel, we listened to all the ears of His history, interpret biblical stories, the history of Israel himself, Jerusalem, problems with Palestine, the laws of local life - everything is very interesting. Having been on the Holy Land - you feel a tide of some kind of indescribable strength. Physically, in one day, time to visit so many places is very difficult, but aware of where you are, in the soul it becomes very calm. I do not recommend riding with the children, it is hardly interesting to them, more precisely, they will be hard to understand all the information being supplied and is physically very tiring.

Price. For two we paid 200 y. e. This cost includes all entrance tickets, travel and lunch.

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