Excursion to Pskov Kremlin / Reviews of excursion and attractions Pskov


I must say that for some kind of inexplicable reason, Pskov has long been managing me. I can not even say why, but I have long dreamed of visiting this old Russian city. Well, somehow it happened that with both of us both have free time formed and we decided not to postpone this trip. And most of all we wanted, of course, see the heart of Pskov - his old Kremlin! This city is so geographically located, which has always been one of the first to take the strikes of the enemy invasions - Lithuanians, Poles, Swedes, Danes and other invaders.

Therefore, for a long time, defensive structures were created primarily. Here is the most ancient strengthening in Pskov and is the Kremlin or chrome as they are called here. It began to build it even in the tenth century and perhaps it is difficult to find a similar powerful defensive structure on all the vast Russian territory.

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In general, having arrived in Pskov, we immediately went on a tour of the Kremlin. We naturally barely booked in advance, after all, late autumn and crowd of tourists in theory should not be. Highed to some guidebook or booklet, or something like that. But then the excursion itself suddenly found us. Only my husband and I went through the powerful gate of the Kremlin, then immediately saw massive engraving with a map of the Pskov Kremlin.

While we stood and looked at her, and my husband even decided to take a picture of this card on the phone, so as not to return, if that, the lady came to us immediately, which seemed to have been waiting for someone. We first thought that it was the same tourist as we, and she turned out to be a guide. And he invited us right now to spend a tour of the Kremlin. It turned out that a private travel agency was working here, which leads all those who wish to excursions. We did not refuse, especially since the money is generally funny - 200 rubles. And since more than those who wanted did not turn out, then they went in three on this excursion.

The Pskov Kremlin is located on a breakwicpiece in the place where two rivers merge - Pskov and the Great. If somehow look at it from above (well, for example, from a helicopter), then you can see that its form more resembles a triangle in the corners of which are gray protective towers with cone-shaped roofs.

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Obviously in those times from a defensive point of view, it was very convenient - two walls are on the banks of the rivers, and the third (closing) wall has an arc shape. So it turns out a practically impregnable fortress. Ancient masters still knew the construction of such structures! And this is not all - in front of this third wall, called because of its form "Percy" (very similar to the breast), diverted a decade meter. The fortress is associated with the outside world using multiple bridges laid through this ditch.

To go to the Kremlin, two gates were used - Trinity and Santom. Last more ancient, they were the only one for a long time and fulfilled the function and main and working gates. After in the twelfth century, more pressing - the Trinity Gate was built, then the deaths began to be used only as workers.

The construction of the Troitsky gate has greatly transformed the appearance of the city and even to some extent gave impetus to its development. In general, they look very beautiful and elegant. And not far from these gates - almost in the center of the Kremlin is a very beautiful Trinity Cathedral. From the side of the cathedral, a small area was formed, which in former times had a tremendous value. It took place here - that is, there are gatherings of elders and noble people of the city who were going to solve the most important questions. That is, not only Novgorod was the eve of the Republic, but also the Pskov also turns out.

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Gradually, part of the territory of the interfluid is added to it in the thirteenth century, part of the territory of the interfluve and, accordingly, the second defensive wall is erected, and for it, the third, fourth and fifth. That's how the city gradually and was upset. It became very large in the time, he was even compared with Paris. Our guide told us about it with great pride.

The city became an impregnable fortress, it was defended not only powerful walls and strong drones on the gate, but in the Pskov Kremlin there was also a hitrophic design of the entrance. Our guide showed us. If suddenly, due to some reasons, the enemies broke out through the gate, they fell into a narrow corridor - the so-called Zakhab. This is such a narrow winding gallery stretching at how much meters. Here, the enemies had no opportunity to go anywhere and even turn around. And on top of them, they also watered something. We asked - it was boiling oil, to which an extraordinary answer was received - "More oil on enemies to spend, ordinary boiling water!"

After we examined the Trinity Cathedral, the Epipment Square and this interesting corridor, we went to a very interesting place in the Pskov Kremlin - Dovmontov City. After in the twelfth century, the territory of the city has already been surrounded by a fortress wall, inside it began to get upset hard. All this was due to the successful campaigns of Pskov Prince Dovmont-Timofey. Then the first buildings of the princess yard began to appear.

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The city was built and his own "Pskov" style appeared in his architecture - a mixture of Novgorod architecture with the Byzantine architecture. During the excavations of the Pskov Kremlin, they were found on the territory of the deotic city - eleven temples and churches, then six civilians, archives, ditch and other structures. Now well preserved the foundations of those ancient churches. In general, all this looks very interesting and we gladly walked here.

I must say that we really liked the excursion and a woman's guide itself, she is a local resident and it is clear that she is just in love with her city and to his work. Despite the fact that she drove us only two, with what enthusiasm she told everything! We were impressed with an interesting story and the most atmosphere of the ancient Pskov Kremlin. Perhaps this is the most interesting Kremlin of all that we have ever seen in Russia.

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