Our run-in acquaintance with Florence. We hope to continue ... / Reviews of excursion and attractions of Florence


Florence in principle is small in size in size - five museums, with a dozen of old cathedrals, and the six most famous palaces. It is easy to see in one day. And you need to walk on it only on foot. No transport you will need here. The metro in Florence is not at all, but buses go - for a one-time ticket you need to pay 1.2 euros (this is if you buy it in advance), if you have to buy directly on the bus, you will already have to lay out 2 euros. Taxi here also go, but it is necessary to sit on them exclusively on specialized parking. If you just vote on the street, no one will stop you. This is not accepted here.

We thought for a long time - why do we start the inspection of the city? The experienced tourists advise first of all to rise to the viewing platform at Palace Piazzala Michelangelo. We did and did. You will easily learn it, because next to it is a copy of David sculpture. From here you can easily notice what a surprisingly convenient way Florence is located between the hills and sparkles with its red tiled roofs.

Our run-in acquaintance with Florence. We hope to continue ... / Reviews of excursion and attractions of Florence 24640_1

From this point, we looked at absolutely all Florentine sights - the Tower of the Signory Palace, the bridge with the houses standing on it (and there is also a corridor from above) - Ponte Vecchio, the tomb of the Medici family, the huge cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, Baptistery San - Jination, Bargello Museum, Santa Croce Monastery, National Florentine Library (House with columns on Arno embankment) and Florentine synagogue.

Unknown tourists after such an inspection can descend and boldly declare that they saw all the sights of Florence! And after that calmly go to the cafe for example. Well, as inquisitive tourists went on a real tour of the city. They went - this is in the sense of foot, because although in the city and there is public transport, but it is absolutely useless for tourists, because almost all the main monuments are located right in the center and to them easily reach on foot.

First of all, they looked into the art gallery of world importance - Ufizi. Do not even try to consider all the canvas immediately, it is unreal as in St. Petersburg Hermitage. We paid attention to the main picture - "Birth of Venus" Botticelli, "Annunciation" Leonardo da Vinci, Venus Urbinskaya Titian and "Vakh" Caravaggio. Probably one and a half - two hours will be enough to see the main thing, but at the same time do not have fun.

Our run-in acquaintance with Florence. We hope to continue ... / Reviews of excursion and attractions of Florence 24640_2

Then we visited the Basilica Santa Croce, this is essentially one of the largest Franciscan monasteries in Europe. A surprisingly beautiful building, the walls of which were painted by the brush of Jotto himself. In the courtyard of this monastery, we saw the tomb of the most famous cultural figures - the artist Michelangelo, the philosopher Makiavelli, Astronoma Galileo Galilean and the composer Rossini.

After that, they went to the famous Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. His construction continued for six long centuries. The building of the Cathedral came out so huge that no architect was even decided to start the construction of the dome.

And only four centuries later, architect Bruneland finally decided and built the dome. Although almost every detail of the dome can be clearly considered from the inside, nevertheless, none of the architect was subsequently uncovered anything like that.

Upstairs there are an observation deck at the top of the cathedral, only to get to it be a strong and hardy person, imagine that you need to go to the roof of a 36-storey building. The cathedral itself can be visited for free, but in order to get to the museum, on the viewing platform and in the Baptistery you will need a ticket (one for all).

Our run-in acquaintance with Florence. We hope to continue ... / Reviews of excursion and attractions of Florence 24640_3

On the right side of the cathedral, you can see the ridiculous tower of an unusual fourfold form - this is Campanil Gotto. Florentine assigned this bell tower the name of their countryman - the famous artist Jotto di Bondone. And although the tower has not been calling for a long time in the bell, calling the parishioners on Mass, but the bell tower is still very popular. An observation platform for visitors is equipped on her roof and even the binoculars are installed for convenience. We climbed and got a lot of pleasure.

Then we went to admire the Capeli Medici, it is near the Church of San Lorenzo. Its author is the Great Michelangelo. He not only thought over the architecture of the chapel as a whole, but also decorated it with sculptures. Art historians unanimously converge in the opinion that this chapel is one of the best creations of the Great Master.

And then how we strongly advised, we went to Boboli gardens. The richest Italian Medici family wanted to break a huge luxurious park near his palace. So these famous gardens appeared with terraces, fountains and grots, and then they served as a model for the most famous European parks. After the French king saw the Boboli gardens, he wanted to create something like this in his homeland. So there was a park of Versailles.

Our run-in acquaintance with Florence. We hope to continue ... / Reviews of excursion and attractions of Florence 24640_4

Well, finally, visited the unusual Bridge Ponte Vecchio. At first it worked the easiest person - butchers, leathermen and fish merchants. The smell here of course stood terrible. And members of the Medici family needed to use this bridge to go to meetings in Signoria. Since the passage through the existing "pigsty" was unacceptable for them, they took care of the superstructure over the bridge.

It was drunk with their nightmarish smell from here, and they invited jewelers. And now during the five centuries on this bridge trade with jewels. So in our days, this bridge is a unique jewelry gallery consisting of a variety of benches, slamming in the evenings as a box.

Of course, this is not all that can (and you need) look in Florence, but we had only one day and we were in a hurry. We hope next time we will have more time and we can see more and more.

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