Legendary atomic icebreaker "Lenin" / reviews about excursions and attractions of Murmansk


Murmansk many interesting places. The atomic icebreaker is especially remembered. Majestic and powerful it affects the imagination of anyone. The world's first atomic icebreaker. You can only get inside the excursion. The entrance costs 100 rubles an adult and 50 children. Excursion lasts one hour. During this time, the guide will spend on all levels on the ship and tells the story of both icebreakers and about the development of the Arctic and the atomic shipbuilding. They are told very interesting.

Legendary atomic icebreaker

Legendary atomic icebreaker

During the excursion, the captain's salon, a dining room, which was also used as a cinema, a cabin company in which there are still musical and smoking salons, a medical unit with an operating, laboratory, x-ray and a dentist's office. Straight minibol on the ship. On the ship even had his own club, there is now a memorial exhibition, which the crew created himself. Next, the technical premises are followed: the engine compartment, where the turbogenerators are standing, the room from where the management of the ship's power plants was carried out, the post from which the repair was observed. From the post you can see the upper parts of the design of atomic reactors through the windows. And of course, the captain's bridge, the navigator and the radio. The dimensions of technical compartments are striking, it is not believed that it is all inside the ship. The residential part of the ship was surprised by her finish. Very nice. The feeling that you are on the cruise liner.

Very native excursion, especially suitable for children.

Legendary atomic icebreaker

Now about the shortcomings. Excursions on weekdays are only once a day. You have to wait long until the right number of people are gathered. It is better to call in advance and recorded, then you can just get to the icebreaker and you will not have to freeze in the cold or mocking in the rain waiting.

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