Walk through Voronezh Oceanarium / Reviews of excursion and sights of Voronezh


In Voronezh, the fate brings me quite often, because the city is not so far from the capital of the country, but connects me with him a lot. Relatives, friends, and acquaintances, and business partners live here. In short, the reason does not need to look for a long time if you want to visit this city. For several years of frequent trips here, I have already managed to study many attractions, however, there is one that I like most of all is the Voronezh Oceanarium. Maybe it is not the biggest, especially if you compare with global giants, but very interesting and original.

Walk through Voronezh Oceanarium / Reviews of excursion and sights of Voronezh 24631_1

Get here will not be a lot of work. He is behind the city, in the village of Sunny on Parkova Street. The building is very large, here in addition to the already mentioned oceanarium still many other entertainment. From the city to the entertainment center "Grad", in which the oceanarium is located, can be reached by buses No. 4, 32, 84. From the city center go less than half an hour.

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The oceanarium consists of various departments in which you can find a lot of interesting and amazing for yourself. Immediately at the entrance, the jungle department is located, so surprisingly walk between tropical trees and plants, you feel like an uninhabited island. The largest part of the Sea and Oceans. Here you can see many marine inhabitants from different parts of the world. It is interesting to observe how the sharks feed and behind their behavior. Also here is a very large variety of exotic fish.

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A little weakening for us the following two departments - "Polar Waters" and "Forests and Steppes", in which the white bears, penguins and seals are familiar to us, but there are many interesting things here, which is unlikely to be seen elsewhere. Watch how animals behave always interesting and informative.

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Between themselves these two departments are separated by a small area, where many different interesting things are sold, also here in addition to boutiques there are some more cafes. Children's corner, automata and other entertainment are not so attractive, but if you go here for a whole day, you can diversify your vacation.

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The complex itself is very huge, hardly managed to get around it over the whole day, so that it is definitely not boring here, hobbies here at every step. I am very happy to visit this place, because the aquarium is truly unique here, I get great pleasure from observing animals and fish.

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