St. Peter's Cathedral, as the main place to visit Rome / Reviews of excursion and sights of Rome


We usually do not write reviews, but after visiting St. Peter's Cathedral, I really wanted to share with future travelers and visitors to this wonderful place, you can say, the main attraction of Rome.

This wonderful cathedral is located on the territory of a separate enclave, called the Vatican, in the magnificent city of Rome.

We visited in the summer, we had only half a day in order to choose what to visit in this ancient city. Therefore, we chose an excursion from a private guide and previously booked a meeting near the cathedral around 11:00 day. The cost of the excursion for the family was quite affordable, in 2.5 hours we paid about 80 euros + tickets. But the most important thing is that the guide holds you as pilgrims and you do not stand in the queue for 2-3 hours to get there. This is especially important who has children.

In the summer, the day is quite hot, so you will definitely take water, hats and light comfortable shoes, also natural, but not open, clothes. You can find private guides on a variety of websites on the Internet, there are reviews about them. After brief search, we chose a woman Natalia and she immediately answered us. Further correspondence was at the famous messenger, which is very convenient. She acquired tickets in advance, so we met and almost after 15 -20 minutes of the review conversation on the background of the cathedral, we went to enter it. There is a road for pilgrims with tickets, then we checked our safety and we almost immediately went inside.

The cathedral was cool and very comfortable. He is grand, you definitely need to visit him! Every place in it is a whole story, with the guide, you join the atmosphere in this remarkable place, and not just go and take pictures.

There are quite a lot of people there, the excursion liked her husband and children. From the recommendation will advise you to look at your own things and bags carefully. We did not have any excesses, but we immediately warned about it. If you have a good camera, it will be an excellent supplement for this excursion, because the usual camera in the smartphone will make pictures not enough.

I invite you to visit the Cathedral of St. Peter, this is the place of pilgrimage not only for Catholics.

St. Peter's Cathedral, as the main place to visit Rome / Reviews of excursion and sights of Rome 24629_1

St. Peter's Cathedral, as the main place to visit Rome / Reviews of excursion and sights of Rome 24629_2

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