Museum of the Vasa ship / Reviews of excursion and sights of Stockholm


From the attractions of Stockholm, which I recently visited the "Scandinavian Capitals" trip, left a bright impression by the Wasa ship's museum.

It is located in the city center, on the island of Yurgorden. At the entrance you can buy a ticket for 130 kroons.

It is striking for me that the Swedes a shameful page of the history of the construction of their ships and followed by this tragedy turned into a national heritage, invested in this a lot of labor, strength and means.

Wasa's wooden sailing ship was built at the beginning of the 17th century on the orders of King Gustav of the second and named after the ruling dynasty.

For that time, he was the largest military ship with many guns, designed to become the flagship of the Swedish flotilla.

But because of errors in the design, "Vasa" sank at the first of its own exit to the sea 100 meters from Stockholm and lay at the bottom of more than 300 years.

Only in the middle of the 20th century it was possible to raise it on the surface, restore and build a multi-storey museum around him.

The sizes of the ship are amazing, the impressive mass of the darkened oak tree with a rich decor - carved figures of the heroes, mermaids, griffins, Lviv, Tritons - so many threads! The nasal part decorate the figure of Lion -Simvol royal power.

You can get around and consider the ship from different sides, climb 2 and 3 floors.

In the museum is dark lighting, cool - the feeling that I got into another time - antiquity, antiquity.

A variety of collections of various items are presented, which were on the vessel: dishes, personal items of the crew, documents ...

Reconstructed separate deck with authentic guns.

There is even a bone of dead sailors and their layouts, as well as reduced copies of the ship itself.

I liked the souvenir shop with the souvenirs of Vasa objects.

There is a cinema, a restaurant and many visitors.

Watch the only one in the world preserved ship 17 centuries is interesting and necessarily worth it!

Museum of the Vasa ship / Reviews of excursion and sights of Stockholm 24623_1

Museum of the Vasa ship / Reviews of excursion and sights of Stockholm 24623_2

Museum of the Vasa ship / Reviews of excursion and sights of Stockholm 24623_3

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