Amazing Faberge Museum in St. Petersburg / Reviews of excursion and sights of St. Petersburg


The magnificent Museum of Faberge is located at the Embankment of the Fontanka River, House 21. It's very easy and quickly and quickly we got from the subway Living Courtyard: passed through Nevsky to Anichkova Bridge, in front of the bridge turned left and meters after 100 were at the museum. A 10-minute leopard walk through Nevsky Prospekt has become a pleasant bonus.

Tickets We have purchased in advance, online, but perhaps at the box office immediately before visiting. Walking on the museum is allowed in a small excursion group (a ticket for 600 rubles), and you can individually, without a guide (ticket for 450 rubles). With independent travel you can take 150 rubles. Audio guide. From my experience, I advise you to go to the group - wonderful guides, they speak perfectly, learn the story of each exhibit in detail. They will be filled with the human warmth of those people who gave these precious things to their loved ones. You will see that the Russian jewelers have created wonderful decorations and haberdashery products, learn about the fate of these masters. Please note: From the story, what kind of warm touching relationships were in royal families, as they wanted to surprise and please each other festive gifts for Christmas, Easter. They have been made to give memorial (so-called memorial) gifts to important events of personal life.

The museum building itself is a wonderful exhibit. It opened after a decade of restoration only in 2013, contained in excellent condition. This is the first non-state museum of Russia, and the building is the palace of the end of the 18th century, which belonged to the famous families of Naryshkina and Shuvalov.

The huge impression was made on us Easter eggs, which were made for the last two imperial families, each with a secret! Impressed unusually highlighted paintings, icons and diverse enamel. Here we saw rhinestone, elephant bone, diamonds, silver, gold, wood, glass, porcelain, jade, pearls, silk, etc., as well as techniques casting, chasing, engraving, dug, enamel, enamel, enamel scenic, enamel on scany etc. Do not count. You want to walk here yet. Just a feast for the eyes.

I think the excursion will be interesting and adolescents, and adult people. Children will especially attract the secrets and fate of Easter eggs. I advise all my friends to go.

The rooms are comfortable, there is a wardrobe with a storage chamber, there is a store of souvenirs. Stylishly decorated foyer, cafe, toilet.

Amazing Faberge Museum in St. Petersburg / Reviews of excursion and sights of St. Petersburg 24609_1

Amazing Faberge Museum in St. Petersburg / Reviews of excursion and sights of St. Petersburg 24609_2

Amazing Faberge Museum in St. Petersburg / Reviews of excursion and sights of St. Petersburg 24609_3

Amazing Faberge Museum in St. Petersburg / Reviews of excursion and sights of St. Petersburg 24609_4

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