Miracle Paris / Reviews of excursion and sights of Paris


This colossal metal tower is clearly seen from any corner of Paris, and far beyond it. And visit the capital of France, and do not climb the Eiffel Tower - it would be the biggest and unforgivable sin. So we also thought about a travel colleague in the same way and in the morning, early in the morning went to inspect this sight of Paris.

We traveled on the subway, reached the station "Bir Hakeim" line 6, and the rest of the road went on a Marsh field on foot, admiring the gigantic metal design with a height of more than 300 meters. Near she looked very stuck! Going to the structure, we encountered an obstacle, a little overwhelming our joyful mood - the turn to the cashier said that we would come there no earlier than in an hour. It is a pity that no one advised us to buy tickets in advance! Standingly stuffed turns, and buying tickets for 17 euros, to the top of the top, we finally hit the first floor, the height of 57 meters (rose on foot). There was nothing particularly interesting to see a restaurant, a gift shop and a screw staircase for the second floor. The second floor has already opened us all the beauty of Paris's type from height, and another restaurant and souvenir shop. I had to purchase a small copy of the tower. On the third floor rose in a glass elevator, considering Paris from a height of 276 meters. Upstairs drank champagne in the bar (as it turned out - this is a tradition) and enjoyed the magnificent view and the panorama of the capital of France. As it turned out, even more fascinating would be to visit the Eiffel Tower in the evening, then she is all illuminated by lights! And one more important point - at an altitude of 300 m, even in the summer, cool enough, it was necessary to dress warmer! But it all did not prevent us from enjoying the excursion, on the way back to dine in the restaurant on the 2nd floor, and please return

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to the hotel.

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