Yusupovsky Palace on the washing - to visit necessary! / Reviews of excursion and sights of St. Petersburg


I love St. Petersburg very much, and in my personal ranking of Peter's attractions after Peterhof, the Yusupov Palace is on washing.

Outside, you will never say that this splendor is hidden inside. Many halls with stunning decoration: luxurious ceilings, exquisite furniture, unique paintings and sculptures - everything is just masterfully! Although artwork is mostly a copy, as the originals are in the Hermitage and other major museums. Blue, red, green living rooms leave a stunning impression.

Yusupovsky Palace on the washing - to visit necessary! / Reviews of excursion and sights of St. Petersburg 24587_1

The home theater is just a pearl, even visual impressions are unforgettable! Not in vain Yusupov was considered the richer imperial family. Theater is valid, there are now submissions.

Yusupovsky Palace on the washing - to visit necessary! / Reviews of excursion and sights of St. Petersburg 24587_2

You can get to the museum only with a tour or you need to purchase an audio guide. Both something else. I was in the museum two years ago, judging by the information on the official website - the excursion today costs 450 rubles for 1 person, a children's ticket - 300 rubles. The audio guide pulls at 700 and 500 rubles, respectively, plus a pledge - 1000 rubles for each device. Cashier to purchase tickets is located on the corner of the building, tickets are purchased on the day of visits, excursions from 11 to 17 hours. Possible purchase of e-tickets on the Palace website. Inside the museum, you can log in strictly 15 minutes before the start of the excursion, which is not very comfortable in connection with the dummy St. Petersburg weather even in the summer.

Despite certain minuses, visit the palace strongly recommended: these interiors are impossible to forget!

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