Unforgettable vacation on the small sea of ​​Baikal.


Probably, not everyone knows about the Small Sea, which is located on Baikal. This is part of the deep-sea Lake Baikal, sacred between the Sacred Island-legend of Olkhon and the Russian coast. The Small Sea is connected to the Baikal Strait of the Olkhon Gate, they were very interested in writing the Stories of Vasily in the book of fairy tales.

Lake Baikal itself is very cold at any time of the year, even on the hottest days the temperature of the water ranges around 17 °. But especially risky people bathe, of course. I do not respect myself to such, so the small sea of ​​Baikal chose for a beach holiday. It was decided to stop in a small, located in the coniferous forest, the village called the Cum.

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Here the driver of the legendary Baikal warmer is at times and there are three warm Curmina lakes, separated from the Baikal cold waters of the Kurmish oblique. This is where a real beach holiday for children and adults!

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The rocky currency braid is not more than thirty meters wide, which allows you to swim or in the invigorating, cool waters of Baikal or in one of the three healing lakes. There is a giving that one of these lakes cures eye diseases and blindness.

Near the village of Cum is a huge selection of tourist databases and complexes. You can rent a house and in the village itself, but we have chosen the private household "Manor Dorofeyev". Since there are expensive accommodation in the vulgarity, and in the village conditions are not so comfortable as I got used to my family.

The estate has the opportunity to settle in studios rooms or rent a separate house. We chose the second option and stayed in the guest, a two-story house with a magnificent, scenic view of the majestic Olkhon Island, surrounded by the transparent waters of Baikal's father.

In addition to the beach holiday, we visited this magnificent sacral island of Shamanov, taking a day excursion. The nature of the island is mysterious and fascinating. Amazing trees with the cut from the roots or one-sided spruce with branches only on the one hand, sometimes growing right in the midst of the sands on the shore.

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A visit to the caves with the weak patterns of antiquity, the Mount "Shamananka", the Khuzhir Museum of Museum and the Shaman's rite of Kamlany - unforgettable impressions left in our soul for a long time.

We had a separate impression about the Buryat cuisine, all the charms of which we felt, dining in a cafe on Olhon and in the dining room next to our house. The delicious and gentle fish Omul is just a fairy tale!

Unforgettable vacation on the small sea of ​​Baikal. 24580_4

I never ate such a fish! The peculiarity and secret of its unforgettable taste is that the Omul must be prepared for three hours after it was caught. And, of course, Buryat juicy postures are something mean between marts and dumplings - incredibly tasty.

Often evenings I saddled on the shore, at the very edge of the water of Lake Baikal and enjoyed the feeling of calm, peace and freedom. Which rolling and captivates, attending forever somewhere in the depths of the soul. This feeling of Nirvana, I took with myself. And to be honest, I still still be under this impression.

PS: I almost forgot to warn, the weather on Baikal is very changeable, often the heat is replaced by the cold wind, the evenings are pretty cool and many midges. Be sure to take with you warm things and money from mosquitoes.

At least next to the estate, where we lived, and there was a shop, and still in the village, too, but the assortment is not so good. If you plan to prepare for yourself yourself, and not eat in a cafe, I recommend buying products in advance, before arriving in the curm. Or will have to ride on Olkhon.

I recommend it from Irkutsk not by bus, but on a barguing on the water - the delightful impressions will remain.

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