Disabled House - Random Tour / Reviews of excursion and sights of Paris


In the house of persons with disabilities, my son and I wandered completely by chance.

These are we not prepared tourists. Walked around the city and noticed in the distance a large beautiful dome.

Disabled House - Random Tour / Reviews of excursion and sights of Paris 24481_1

They came up - a beautiful building and allowed for free (it turns out that this day was some kind of action and we saved 8 euros on the ticket). Very massive, impressive building architecture and inner decoration, whether the Church, or the Museum. My son and I walked around the building. Loved magnificent frescoes on domes, sculptures.

Disabled House - Random Tour / Reviews of excursion and sights of Paris 24481_2

My attention attracted my attention to the elderly Frenchwoman, who tried to show something to me and expressing delight about ... And then I saw the Tomb of Napoleon. To be honest, at that moment I did not believe my eyes. I just dose - the same house of disabled. It is really said that Paris can be crazy. This is my case. How did we manage to come to one of the most famous buildings of Paris, enter there for free, walk on it half an hour and only then figure out where we are? Of course, we immediately found a layout of the building and appreciated its size. All the remaining day before the closure we spent here. Paradise for men and boys. For a long time, uniforms and weapons of different eras and peoples were considered.

They went to the courtyard. And there are heavy guns of different calibers, thousands of exhibits, no less.

Disabled House - Random Tour / Reviews of excursion and sights of Paris 24481_3

Son very much appreciated the weapon exhibited there. We climbed all the guns on all guns, all the holes were blocked, wanted all the signs. In general, a very informative excursion was quite accidental. I highly recommend to visit, especially if a man is present in your company))).

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