Museum Mikhail Bulgakov - "With cats you can not" / reviews about excursions and sights of Moscow


Museum Mikhail Bulgakov -

I came to the Bulgakov Museum by chance.

With the eldest daughter we went to the Bulgakov theater. They came early and here it turned out that on tickets to the theater, we can go to the museum for free. Of course, we took advantage of this opportunity, as it was plentiful.

Entered the famous entrance. It is here that the "bad apartment" No. 50 is located.

Museum Mikhail Bulgakov -

And immediately see that the walls and stairs here are also part of the museum. This place was selected fans of the writer Bulgakov. And they searched a much earlier time, as the museum appeared here. And the museum opened in 2007. For many years, Bulgakov's fans on the walls of the entrance are confessed in love for his novel. In addition, there is a beautiful legend that everything you write on these walls will come true. And although the walls were painted no longer once, the inscriptions here appear with enviable regularity. Unlike the walls, tiles on the courts and the stairs do not change, everything should remain as many years ago.

The museum itself is a communal apartment with a long-long corridor. Entering into it, for some reason I remembered the film "Pokrovsky Gate" I understand that at all, not from that opera, just inspired the memory and rolled nostalgia. Old, shabby parquet, low, strange little furniture. Skin feel the atmosphere of previous years.

Walls are hurt by portraits Mikhail Bulgakov. To my shame, before visiting the museum, I have never seen a portrait of a writer. And it turned out that he was very pretty man with fun eyes.

The apartment has several rooms of different colors (blue and white cabinet), with various exhibits of that era.

And ... Cabinet of Bulgakov himself. The saint - the saints - the desktop of the writer and books, books everywhere. Is it really so lived? Another memorable place in the apartment is a communal kitchen.

It turned into a flea market or paradise for collectors.

Museum Mikhail Bulgakov -

By the way, the real black cat wanders around the apartment, the name is not even needed - it's confident "Hippopot".

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