On the edge of light in the subnet.


Resting in Sanyan Bay, we visited a very amazing place.

China has an island, which is the most southern island. And on the island there is a huge stone on which the "edge of the world" is written. This stone and gave the name of the park. The park is famous not only by this stone, there are a lot of diverse boulders. Many of them have their names and legends associated with them. The park itself is located on a snow-white beach and is a very popular place among the Chinese. But we met foreign tourists. For 1 ticket to the park we paid about 100 Chinese yuan. Landscapes in the park are simply great. White beach, ahead azure sea with transparent water and huge boulders of different shapes, and behind the green tropical vegetation. What is interesting?

On the edge of light in the subnet. 24337_1

On the edge of light in the subnet. 24337_2

Stone labyrinth of lovers. Stone - progress similar to the human brain. 2 huge boulders denoting local Romeo and Juliet, a stone of wealth, a fortune stone, a stone supporting heaven, an ancient legend is connected with him. Stone-elephant and even a stone called "Hasher's shelter". The place is really very beautiful. In this park, a wedding festival is held once a year, and all year round can be found in the brides with brides, which are photographed on the background of the boulders. This place is popular among lovers, poets and artists. Here you can buy souvenirs. Especially a large selection of natural pearls. The average price of Bus is about 400-500 rubles. Shells are better not to buy, they are prohibited for export. But many cheap souvenirs on the topic of the park.

On the edge of light in the subnet. 24337_3

Having finished wandering in the park, we visited the ahead of the oceanarium. The entrance is as much as in the park. Wonderful place. The zone of turtles and crocodiles is impressive. There, even for a small fee, you can feed the crocodile chicken, we did not risk. But for free, photographed with an ancient turtle, looked at the performance of sea lions and dolphins. It is possible to ride an ostrich. And finished visiting the garden of seabirds, in which about 1000 exotic birds were collected.

You can get from the city of Sanya by taxi or bus. It does not take much time. On the bus travel will be much cheaper.

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