When is it better to rest in Pattaya?


Thailand is a country with a wet tropical climate that takes tourists all year round. Pattaya is one of the resorts with the most favorable climate for recreation. Due to its location on the shore of the Siamese Gulf, it is not subject to invasion tsunami. Strong waves are also extremely rare here. Even in the rainy season in September, when flood begins on the islands of Thailand, and declare a natural disaster, a small tedious rain is dried in Pattaya. Cases when during powerful tropical rainstones in Pattaya The water level was greatly raised for several days, is rather an exception to the rules.

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As for the season of the year, in Pattaya there is no winter, spring, summer and autumn to us. Since the air and sea temperature changes not in a very large range throughout the year, the separation of seasons here is very conditional. Basically allocate two seasons: dry and rainy. The dry season is considered high and lasts from the beginning of November to mid-May. At this time, the resort visits the maximum number of tourists from all over the world. The rainy season begins in mid-May and continues until the end of October. During this period, the amount of precipitation increases significantly. The rainy season is considered low in the tourist industry, as some tourists do not decide to come here, afraid of a spoiled beach holiday. In fact, you should not go here only in September and October, because at this time it really happens here.

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In the remainder months of this period, rain if they are, then, as a rule, pouring and short-term. The sun, of course, most of the time is hiding behind the clouds. But even on such a sun it is easy to burn.

There is another classification of seasons. Depending on the temperature of the air and water in the sea, the cool season is allocated (from November to February), the hot season (from March to May) and the rainy season (from June to October). The most optimal for relaxation temperature is observed in the cool season. Then she gradually rises. Not to say that much, but during the day it is noticeably hotter. Especially when you ride the excursions.

And of course, no one is insured against nature whims. In January 2009, in Pattaya, the weather was unusual for this resort. At night, the temperature dropped to 17 degrees Celsius, so I had to wear sweaters and jeans. And Thais received from the Government of the plaid and upper clothes as humanitarian aid.

My family rested in different months in Pattaya. I only learned for myself that in September it is not worth going here. From a four-week holiday, half days was rainy. Even when the rain ended, it was impossible to sunbathe on the beach because of the wet cold sand, which simply did not have time to die. Water in the sea was warm, but muddy. On the excursions, we will not train either - there is little pleasant walk in the Nong Nuch garden in the rain. In 2010, we rested in Pattaya in August. The rains were a bit, and they walked mostly at night. There was no hot sun, but the overall impression was created that the weather is dry enough.

By the way, rest in September is dangerous risk of picking up rovotiriral diseases that are very common in the rainy season. Local residents make vaccinations, and many tourists do not even suspect such a misfortune, and then half-leave spend in an embrace with the toilet. This is especially true of young children who are all drawn in the mouth and quickly pick up the virus.

In addition, there are no special discounts on tourist vouchers during this period. Although, if you drive yourself, the rooms in hotels will cost cheaper.

It is best to relax in Pattaya in January. The air temperature is about 29-30 degrees, the sea temperature is 27 degrees. The precipitation this month falls the least, so you don't have to mock in the rain. The sun shines all day, cloudiness is low.

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Ideal time for beach and excursion recreation. Prices for vouchers this month are different from different tour operators. If you do not take into account the festive week, when all the tour operators overestimate the prices of several hundred dollars, then since mid-January, the "Tez Tour" is quite acceptable prices. True, it concerns only standard two-week rounds. If there is a desire to relax here three or four weeks, it is better to learn the prices of the "Pegasus Touristik". Last year, for four weeks of rest in January, two adults gave about seventy thousand for a three-star hotel. By the way, the "Tez Tour" tickets for January is better to buy at the end of November - early December. We hurried. Bought in early November a ticket for January for two weeks for 80 thousand, in mid-November she was already worth 60 thousand, and in early December - only forty. Such is the arithmetic!

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