Mysterious Moscow Metro / Reviews of excursion and sights of Moscow


Many, arriving in Moscow, seek to see the most iconic and famous attractions. But believe me, there are many places here, on the view of not at all noteworthy, but the above-minded and interesting. Take even the Moscow subway. After all, this is not only a means of movement, but a very curious place that is really worth a visit. Not only is each metro station is very individual and made in original style, but there are other interesting things here.

Mysterious Moscow Metro / Reviews of excursion and sights of Moscow 24202_1

I want to touch some stations a little. Take for example, the famous partisan. There is a sculpture of the border guard with a dog and many say that if you lose the nose of faithful PSA, then any of your desire will be. True or not - I can't say for sure, but my personally my desire came true. There is still a funny sign that says that, the one who erupts any subway line from end to the end will be very happy. And at Perovo station in the panel laid out on the walls, many see pagan idols.

Mysterious Moscow Metro / Reviews of excursion and sights of Moscow 24202_2

And also say that many ghosts live in the subway. Many paths of paths met some))) Well, what is not available to ordinary people, usually and infects the most incredible rumors. So at the expense of ghosts doubt. But the fact that many metro stations are built on old cemeteries is absolute truth. So that the ghosts of worried dead may well and revenge. One of these stations is Arbat. By the way, it is there that there is a huge number of suicides.

Mysterious Moscow Metro / Reviews of excursion and sights of Moscow 24202_3

But besides all sorts of rumors and accept, Moscow Metro is remarkable and special museum wagons. "Reading Moscow", "Poetry in the subway", "Red Arrow", "Watercolor", "Retro Train" and some others. These trains must be seen. The fact is that in these trays really interesting.

Mysterious Moscow Metro / Reviews of excursion and sights of Moscow 24202_4

Back in the subway there is a museum of finds. There are many forgotten things here. There are books, bags, and phones and even a typewriter here. But this is not all that can be seen here. Come and see everything yourself.

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