Zoo "ROOF RUCH" / reviews about excursions and attractions of Krasnoyarsk


Zoo in Krasnoyarsk "Roe Or Ruch" is one of the largest zoos in Russia. Based since 2000. Located on the outskirts of the city. Divided into several departments: man-fated, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, veterinary, garden, feed. There are winter enclosures and cells for birds.

Different beautiful shrubs, greens grow across the zoo. There is an exhibition of cacti.


Tickets are purchased immediately at the entrance, at the box office. Adult 300 rubles, children 100 rubles. You can take an excursion.

Before going to the zoo should explore the rules of behavior. Children under 14 can not be without an adult. Animals feed only food that bought there in special stalls. No Flash Photography. It is impossible to walk on the lawn, overlap through fences. Ride on bikes, skates, rollers.

Cells are all clean, there is no smell from them. Summer do not fly midges. Gnus is not just. Although the forest is near. It is nice to be near the animals and not think that from you then will "bear".

The most expensive animals are giraffes, we have no longer where there is no. Now three giraffes live. They are very beautiful, but thin. You can watch for a long time. They are suitable and put off their faces for delicacies.


Handsome of amur tigers, white tigers, African lion with lioness. Animals are a lot of bears, lynx, zebras, bison, camels, foxes, cats, monkeys, hamsters and many others. You can admire the packer and geese. Now there are new inhabitants that are penguins! They are still small, but still interesting to look at them.


Dino Park is still located.

On the territory of the zoo, a lot of cafes, where you can eat. Also kids can be rolled on horseback, ferris wheel. There is a toilet.

The zoo seems not large on the area, but the cells are located all available for viewing, and animals in categories are reset.

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