Walking on the roof of the Milan Cathedral (Duomo) / Reviews of excursion and sights of Milan


Accidentally seen in the network photo of this cathedral will conquered me. The most amazing thing that, just a few months later, there was an opportunity to go to Milan. Natural, Duomo became the first target of our tourist curiosity.

Walking on the roof of the Milan Cathedral (Duomo) / Reviews of excursion and sights of Milan 24116_1

Separately, you need to talk about visiting the roof of the cathedral. Personally, the confusion occurred even before the rise. In search of the roof entry, I found the monumental structure of three times. In the end, gestures, in broken English, it turned out to find out from Carabiner that the cherished door was from the opposite side of the cathedral, in a cunning snap. The entrance to the roof guarded the armed police, it was even something like inspection, but light and friendly.

The cost of lifting depends on the method of its commission: on foot - 7 euros, on the elevator - 12 euros, payment of tickets immediately. To do not spoil the mood for a long scarring along the erased steps of the ancient staircase, it was decided to rise on the elevator. It turned out quickly and comfortable, cabin, by the way, quite modern.

The short wandering under the openwork arches and the villages at first did not make a favorable impression. Still, the poet was the right "I am very seen on the distance." All the beauty of carved marble spiers and patterns can be estimated from several relative to the spacious pads of the lower level of the roof.

Walking on the roof of the Milan Cathedral (Duomo) / Reviews of excursion and sights of Milan 24116_2

But the real sense of flight occurs only at the very top.

Walking on the roof of the Milan Cathedral (Duomo) / Reviews of excursion and sights of Milan 24116_3

I can not say for sure how much time we stayed under the clouds. Fortunately, the time of visits is not limited. Despite the sufficient number of people, it was nice to just sit on the stones and dream.

In the most complacent mood, we decided to descend not on the elevator, but on foot. Walk down the close screw staircase only supplemented the charm.

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