Krasnoyarsk Poles - Holidays for Soul / Reviews of excursion and sights Krasnoyarsk


Perhaps the most famous place in Krasnoyarsk is a pillary reserve. Here you can really relax, breathe fresh air and just spend excellent time. I went on an excursion several times to the reserve, the pleasure is just that words and not to describe.

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And you can get to the reserve in two ways. First - take a bus 80 or 82 to the "Turbaza" stop. The second is to climb the cable car from the park entertainment beaver log and then go through the trails to the poles. Almost everyone chooses exactly the first option, it is considered classic.

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From the stop before the entrance to the reserve it will be necessary to go about a kilometer two, the road smoothly rises under the slide. There is almost no transport, because entrance to the reserve is very limited. At the entrance you can buy a map, as well as relax, eat and get together, because there will be a long lifting. The road gradually goes up, but not too cool, here the distance to the pass is about five kilometers. On both sides of the road dense forest. Sometimes you can meet the protein, this phenomenon is frequent.

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The pass is equipped with a recreation area. You can dine, buy water, or just relax on the beads. Also sell souvenirs here, and for children there is a recreation area with swings. There are always a lot of people here, because it is from here that the most interesting thing begins.

To the columns it will be necessary to walk, here all pillars are scattered, but everywhere there are signs and you need to go through well-wipe paths. The card is best to buy, because without it it can be difficult to navigate.

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It is fashionable to go through the most expensive that I went to the reserve, but you can go along the path towards the beaver log and go down the cable car. It's a little longer, but more interesting. The entire route from the entrance to the cable car will be about 18 kilometers.

The reserve can be walking at any time of the year, but it is best to do this in the summer when warm and good weather. In winter, it is more dangerous, but then you need to choose the route shorter. With young children will be physically difficult, because the load is big. And so, the best place to relax the soul is not found, perhaps.

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