ROOF RUCH - Holidays for the whole family / reviews about excursions and attractions Krasnoyarsk


In Krasnoyarsk, I happen every two or three years, it seems to see everything, but every time I want to see the most amazing places again and again, in which every time you open something new. One of my favorite places in the city is the zoo of the ROOF COVER.

ROOF RUCH - Holidays for the whole family / reviews about excursions and attractions Krasnoyarsk 24074_1

Park Flora and Fauns of ROOFs Creek is one of the most popular places of recreation for guests and residents of the city. Here you can relax as a good company, and spend time with your family, because there are many entertainment for both children and adults. You can get to the zoo by public transport, 80 and 82 bus drives here, and there is a zoo on the edge of the city, near the track towards Divnogorsk. It occupies a fairly large territory in the forest.

ROOF RUCH - Holidays for the whole family / reviews about excursions and attractions Krasnoyarsk 24074_2

It is best to attend the Zoo in the summer when warm. At this time of the year, the infrastructure is very developed here, there are attractions for children, cafes and fast foods near the zoo, as well as souvenir kiosk. The entrance costs 200 rubles, and for children and pensioners there are discounts. For photography, you need to pay separately, but the availability of payment for it is rarely checked.

ROOF RUCH - Holidays for the whole family / reviews about excursions and attractions Krasnoyarsk 24074_3

The zoo itself is very diverse by various representatives of flora and fauna. A variety of animals just surprises me. Here from the most exotic, which I managed to see is a giraffe and an elephant. Also, I liked white and brown bears, very funny to watch them. In the zoo, many representatives of the Faby family. Also a lot of birds, and here there are dolphinarium and planetarium, where you can go on a tour separately.

ROOF RUCH - Holidays for the whole family / reviews about excursions and attractions Krasnoyarsk 24074_4

In order to slowly bypass the entire zoo you will need a good hour three, maybe more. But you should not worry about fatigue, there is a lot of cafes where you can sit and relax, as well as to eat or take a cold lemonade.

The excursion in the Zoo of the Ross Complex should be included in the mandatory program if you arrived in Krasnoyarsk. I'm getting out of the zoo full of emotions, it's great here, I find it insanely to walk along the paths between the Wolters of the Beasts and watch their behavior.

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