Secrets of Petropavlovsk Fortress / Reviews of Tours and Sights of St. Petersburg


Petropavlovsk fortress, which is located on a sanctifying island, manitis with its massiveness and mystery. She is on the Petrograd side. The entrance is free, but there are two of them. On the territory of the fortress can be passed from 9 am to 21 pm.

You can go on the side of the Gorkovskaya station, passing along the Kamennaostrovsky Prospect to the Trinity Bridge. If on the way to meet the cathedral mosque with beautiful blue domes, then the right direction is chosen! Without reaching the bridge, minimize the Crossverk Embankment. There will be an entrance to the fortress through the Neva Gate. Second option. From the metro station, walking on Dobrolyubov Avenue and Kronverk Embankment. Approximately 15 minutes need to get there.

There are a lot of people there. At any time and in any weather. One group of tourists replaces the other. For those who want to make high-quality photos with a good composition, you will have to be patient.

Some greatness reigns around. In the fortress there are a large number of buildings that you should visit.

1. Petropavlovsky Cathedral. Adult ticket costs 450 rubles. For believers, of course, this is a significant and sacred place. There are tombs of great rulers and approximate princes and princes. People who are far from religion or art, would not advise to spend money on it. For the same price you can get around the Hermitage Halls.

2. Prison of Trubetskaya bastion. I did not like this place in the energy sector, probably the word "prison" makes my job. There is nothing remarkable there, except that the figures dilute the interior. But for general development does not hurt.

3. Mint. Here it costs to go here. The museum is located the exposition "History of Money". The entrance ticket costs about 200 rubles. A huge number of coins, badges, orders, medals and souvenir products are represented in the store that is located nearby. And there are still sold insanely beautiful paintings with St. Petersburg!

4. Observation deck. That's what you do not need to regret the money, it is on the sightseeing platform on a fortress wall or on the bell tower of the Peter and Paul Cathedral!

Entrance from 150 rubles to 250 rubles, but the entire Nevskaya Panorama is on the palm. You can make excellent frames. It is important to remember that the wind is very rapid there, it is worth taking care of warm things in advance. From the bell tower you can capture the types of Vasilyevsky Island and the Petrograd side. For students and pensioners there are always discounts.

In addition to important buildings within the fortress itself, you can find a non-standard monument to Peter or a monument to the hare, whose ears are almost rubbed to the holes. If you go through the Neva Gate, closer to the Trinity Bridge, you can meet a monument to another bunny that is located on one pile in the river. Bunnies throw coins to return to this city again.

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Secrets of Petropavlovsk Fortress / Reviews of Tours and Sights of St. Petersburg 24018_2

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