Is it worth going to Pamukkale?


Translated from Turkish Pamukkale means a cotton castle. This locality received its name due to its snow-white color, which was formed due to calcium sediments contained in large quantities in the water of hot mineral sources of the earth. Stacking along the slope, natural terraces were formed in the form of small pools of white, filled with mineral water. This unusual natural beauty and uniqueness is recognized as one of the seven wonders of the world.

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Therapeutic properties of mineral water, which, in no time depending on the year, has a temperature of +36 degrees, from ancient times they were attracted to themselves seekers of eternal youth. Not in the gift of Pamukkale was chosen by Cleopter, as his summer residence and where there was a swimming pool with thermal sources, which is also named the Cleopatra pool, which exists and functioning to today. Stories about the miraculous properties of water pool Cleopatra daily attract tourists from all over the world. Immersing in the water of the pool, the whole body is covered with gas bubbles, which are enriched with water. The impression of bathing in champagne is created, although the water itself has a slightly unpleasant smell, a consequence of hydrogen sulfide content is possible. Visiting and swimming in the Cleopatra pool is paid and amounts to 18 dollars.

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The pool is not the only sight of Pamukkale, which attracts attention. On the territory of the current settlement there are ruins of the ancient city of Hyherapolis, the history of which begins from the second millennium to our era. Having survived repeated dawns and falls in their development and various cultures and religions after the strongest earthquake in 1354, which almost completely destroyed the city, he stopped his existence. Until our times, only the ruins of this once beautiful and blooming city are preserved, the remains of the temple of Apollo, Martyrie St. Philip and amphitheater, which is one of the largest in Turkey.

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An excursion in Pamukkale can be purchased in any street tour. Agency at all resorts of Turkey. The cost of such an excursion from the Antalya region is within 30-35 dollars. A visit to this miracle of the world is one of the most popular excursions in Turkey, which is of great interest not only adults but also children and helps to understand the history and development of cultures and heritage of mankind.

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