I fell in love with the evening Kazan! / Reviews about excursions and attractions Kazan


In Kazan, we were passing. To pass a few evening hours to the train, we decided to go on an excursion "Evening Kazan". This is a daily sightseeing tour on a comfortable bus. Sending at 18-00 from the main entrance of the Kazan Circus. Payment on the site of sending before the start of the excursion is 600 rubles. With a person, children under four years for free.

Evening Kazan is a great, exciting spectacle.

Do not forget to check the camera, whatever it is charged, and he has enough memory for the photo. We photographed many - in the evening Kazan is transformed. I wanted to capture, because the beauty of the night city literally fascinated.

I fell in love with the evening Kazan! / Reviews about excursions and attractions Kazan 23880_1

For two excursion hours we saw historical monuments and modern buildings. Thanks to the wonderful guide, I got acquainted with the 1000th history of the city. An old-Tatar settlement was visited - a trade and craft and cultural and spiritual Tatar center. Walked along the observation platform overlooking the Kazanku River.

I fell in love with the evening Kazan! / Reviews about excursions and attractions Kazan 23880_2

The magical impression of the view of the modern part of the city and the Palace of Wedding "Bowl". After the excursion, we had a brutal appetite. It is good that in Kazan a lot of night cafes, where you can have delicious and suit dinner with Tatar cuisine. I will definitely recommend trying an accomplice - this is such a triangular pattter with potatoes, meat and onions. For hot, we ordered Tatar Beshbarmak - this is a puff meat dish served with broth. For dessert, they were recommended by a syntra - cheesecake with sweet, sour cream. But we drose it already on the train, looking through the photo and remembering the unforgettable night beauty of Kazan.

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