Kabukidz Theater / Reviews of Tours and Attractions Tokyo


To get a full set of impressions from staying in Tokyo, you can visit the Kabuki Theater. Saving theaters will have to allocate at least half a day, buy or order tickets in advance and spend up to several hundred dollars for the entire range of services. But it is not necessary to be afraid of this, because there is a way to relatively quick and economical, albeit superficial attachment to traditional Japanese theater art, which will be described below.

Theater called Kabukidza is located in the Ginsa area near the main shopping street Tokyo. It is worth a walk on it, but to visit the stores are recommended only for people with a thick wallet. In about the center of the street there is intersection with a beautiful building in the imperial style of the middle of the twentieth century with a small turret with a clock. If you stand face to this building, then you need to turn right and pass the meters of five hundred boring modern buildings, while the left side of the road will not seem old construction with lanterns, barrels from under sake and transparencies. You can reach the metro station to Higashi Ginza. Exit number 3 goes straight to the theater.

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Representations usually start at 11:00 and at 16:45 and last 5 hours. However, you can buy a ticket and one act of plays Plus to take headphones with translation. I walked after the beginning of the presentation and took a completely inexpensive ticket to the gallery without a place. There is a fairly democratic atmosphere in the sense that you can stand, sit on the steps, move freely.

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The play looked like a children's matinee of the time of my childhood - brightly, loud, many gestures and exclamations. Apparently, it was a story about the stupid rich, his capricious daughter and ingenious servants. I can not say that I got a big aesthetic pleasure, but from a cruel cold suddenly cured for half an hour. I think it was an impact on the constant drum fraction, which caused the specific air fluctuations, protected to microbes.

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