Park Joyogi / Reviews of excursion and sights Tokyo


In addition to shopping streets in the Shibuya district, which I wrote about in other reviews, the huge Park Joyoga with the largest in Tokyo Temple Complex Meiji is also located.

Park Joyogi / Reviews of excursion and sights Tokyo 23839_1

To get here is the easiest way to the ring urban jr station to the station Harajuku. Coming out from the transition platform, you need to turn right, pass a hundred meters to the bridge over the railway and go over to the other side. This is the same bridge where local freaks hang out. It makes sense to observe them and piffosing.

Near the entrance to the park there is a detailed scheme for which you can develop your own route. I usually rushed into the old part of the park in the direction of the Shinto temple of Maidzi. To do this, we must follow the signs that are located on a wide alley leaving right. In this part of the park, it is forbidden to go to the forest zone, as evidenced by the fence. The protected zone is planted with huge relict trees of Ginkgo, the thick foliage of which almost does not let sunlight. In the thickets they live very beautiful large spiders unusually bright coloring.

The asphalt path leads to a small trading complex, where you can have a snack and buy souvenirs. We also keep in mind that everywhere - at stations and intersections, in stores and parks it is easy to find free and urgent toilets.

Park Joyogi / Reviews of excursion and sights Tokyo 23839_2

Attending the park is preferably in the morning on weekends, because on the Temple Square, the Shinto Priests are married. The drawing of the rite depends on the financial status of newlyweds. You can see both pompous processions of solid people in national clothes and expensive costumes, and modest, but non-merging youth companies, photographing which is not rebored.

There are also in the park of territory with reservoirs and large open spaces for outdoor activities, but I did not get to them.

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