Cathedral of Barcelona and Life around it / Reviews of excursion and sights Barcelona


The real works of culture are not covered with dust in museums and are not satisfied with the role of cultural heritage - they continue to remain a focus of life of modern people. Such is the Cathedral of Barcelona - the Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Holy Evlalia.

Inside the cathedral

The earliest building is the Saint Lucia chapel (1257 or 1268, latersmansky style) - was included in the ensemble of the cathedral after the start of its construction. In the architectural elements of 1298-1460 and the facade, completed in 1870 according to the sketches of the 15th century, the Catalan gothic, combining the greatness and grace, dominates.

Under the impressive crops continues to go active church life. Therefore, in the morning and in the evening, when believers come according to their needs, the entrance is free, but not everywhere. On the choir and in the Hall Meeting Tickets of 3 euros. There is another comprehensive ticket (7 euros), allowing the halls other than the choirs and climb on the roofing site. This is a very humane price for Barcelona, ​​it is impossible to skip it. Wooden choir 14 century. - Carved chairs with gilded coat of arms of the Knights of the Order of the Golden Rune - a monument of jewelry work on a tree. In the meeting room, a rich decor and a picturesque masterpiece - "Pieta" Bartolomeo Bermeho.

The rules for visiting the Cathedral require clothing, covering shoulders and knees in men and women (not shorts, not sundress), compliance with silence in the hall with stunning acoustics. You can skip the smokeless light bulb, lowering the coin to the specified place. Donations are welcome, and from 13 to 17.30 the entrance is paid.

Not only residents of Barcelona, ​​but also pilgrims honor the shrine of the temple. In the chapel of the Holy Communion (1407) from the 16th century. There is a sculpture of Christ Ladano, who defended the flagship ship of the Spaniards in the battle with the Turks in 1571 at the Lepano.

Under Altar - Crypt with the relics of Holy Evlalia, 13-year-old Christians who lived in 4th century. And Darciano 13 of the torment for Certificate of Christ received from the Roman governor. In the decoration, the crypts are present images of 13 geese, and living snow-white birds (the chastity symbol) can be seen in the courtyard (club) near the pond with fish.

Around the cathedral

From Capella Cathedral for 3 euros, you can climb the elevator and inspect Barcelona from the height of the Cedral dome.

On May 3, in honor of the Day of the Holy Cross, the people of Barcelona are blessing from the roof of the cathedral, and on the day of the body of Christ the service is held directly on the square. The holiday includes the procession of giant figures, and human towers.

Under the walls of the cathedral, in an acousticly advantageous zone, street masters Belkanto compete in the evenings, and tourists are entertained in front of the facade. Enjoying spectacles, it is important not to give a chance to scammers and thieves. Sunday morning, folk activists are organized at the Cathedral Square mass Catalan dance Sardan - a symbol of the struggle for the freedom of Catalonia, and the antique market boils half a day. Very living place.

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