Omote Sando / Reviews of tours and sights Tokyo


The most important and rich street Tokyo is considered brilliant Ginza, crossing the city center. But in the west of the Japanese capital, she also has a fairly fashionable and more romantic romantic competitor Omot-Sando, called the Tokyo Elysee fields. Thanks to the boulevard, numerous boutiques, the original cafe, as well as lower high costs and pompousness, is popular among middle-class and youth. It is often a couple of couples who are often striving for a walk to be able to simultaneously combine comfort, prestige and democraticity.

Omote Sando / Reviews of tours and sights Tokyo 23826_1

Here, periodically undergo peaceful demonstrations of protest, and on holidays, folk festivals are held, for which the roadway is closed. To have a chance to see such a sight, it is better to come here during the daytime on a day off. Somehow in June, I was lucky to get to an event called "Transfer of Gods" - an unforgettable impression. You can get to the subway station to Omot-Sando, where three lines are intersect, then go from the city center. Either jr to the Kharazyuk station to the Kharazyuk station, and then go to the center of one hundred and then to the center.

Omote Sando / Reviews of tours and sights Tokyo 23826_2

I never came to boutiques, but two interesting places can recommend. In about the middle of the street (left, if you go from the center) there is a souvenir shop stylized under the Buddhist temple, the best place for the choice, price and quality place for such purchases. Among other things, it acquired cotton and silk yukata (simplified kimono variant) - a great gift for men and women. Nearby is also a multi-storey toy store. Even if you do not have children, I recommend to curb - see a lot of remarkable, including the department dedicated to the characters of Soviet cartoons.

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