Excursion to the Royal Gillotek in Copenhagen / Reviews of excursion and sights of Copenhagen


Resting in the capital Denmark we visited the famous Museum - the Royal Gillotek. This huge museum resembles a labyrinth, so I do not advise to fall behind the group, and it is better to arma a detailed map of the museum. This excursion program was purchased by us in one of the Russian-speaking tour bureau. The cost of this excursion is 15 euros. The walk through the museum is designed for 1.5 hours. In museums, there are a lot of students learning art historical science, because for Danes Gliptotek, the most important museum in the country.

Excursion to the Royal Gillotek in Copenhagen / Reviews of excursion and sights of Copenhagen 23815_1

Therefore, at every step you can see a huge number of young people and girls making sketches and outline in notepads. This excursion is suitable for adults, youth, families with kids will be there, in my opinion it's just boring. We visited many halls dedicated to the art of ancient Egypt and ancient Greece. The collection of exhibits really amazes imagination. At my surprise, it was the works of Danish masters, I practically didn't see the museum. This museum can be visited quite independently, a cash desk is located in front of the entrance, in which you can purchase entrance tickets. In the museums allowed a photo and video shooting. I recommend the shift in the museum comfortable shoes, while we were constantly, then climbed up the numerous stairs, then the opposite was descended into the semi-breeding rooms. Despite a large number of exhibits, the museum did not make a huge impression on us. Perhaps the fact is that although now all these works of art and belong to Denmark, but they do not intersect with the history of the country.

Excursion to the Royal Gillotek in Copenhagen / Reviews of excursion and sights of Copenhagen 23815_2

Excursion to the Royal Gillotek in Copenhagen / Reviews of excursion and sights of Copenhagen 23815_3

I think this museum will be very interesting to those who are passionate about the history of ancient states. In the glipstotek there is a souvenir shop, prices in it are very high. All souvenirs presented in it can be found in all local shops at a lower price. Summing up, I want to say that I can not recommend, unfortunately, this excursion. No interesting information, which allows you to better get acquainted with the culture of Denmark, we did not meet there. Well, and if, all the same, someone is burning with the desire to see exhibits related to the history of ancient Egypt, I advise you to visit this husband yourself and do not resort to help guide.

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