Church of Madonna del Ortho - Gemstone Cannaregio / Reviews of excursion and sights of Venice


Sooner or later, let him not be in the first visit, but everyone, lovers in Venice, are sent to explore the Cannaregio - the Northern District with their face and legends. One of the symbols of Kannaregio is the church of the XIV century in honor of Madonna del Orto. Vaporetto 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2 will deliver to the Church of those who are already tired of moving on foot. From 10 to 17 on weekdays (12-17 on weekends) for 2.5 euros (additional donations are welcome) you can arrange a tour.

Venetian Gothic

The ensemble paved with the red brick brick and a three-part brick gothic facade, in which experts find both early, romance, features, and late, renaissance, rows of columns, vaulted windows, central sockets, arches and bas-reliefs, statues of Madonna, saints, apostles, allegorical figures of virtues Especially expressive clear in the evening, when visitors leave the church.

Tintoretto - alive, buried and immortal

Fans of the Wizard of Light and Shadow, Divine Lights, it is better to consider in advance in good resolution on the Internet of Jacob Tintoretto - worship of the Golden Taurus, the introduction of the Virgin in the temple, a terrible court, which will be visible only from the side and at uneven lighting. In the church, it is already enjoying an understanding of images, a presence in a historical place where Tintoretto was an artist and a parishioner, where he and his children were buried. The artist (1518-1594) had a happy fate not to know the worships and obscurity, to be recognized in the lifetime, to raise love for art in children. The work of his son Domenico is in this church (in the left Nefop - the Father is heavenly in glory).

The house of Tintoretto was preserved nearby, it is easy to find - near the entrance one of the legends of the Mastelli brothers (in turbans) near the legends of the stone figures.

Miraculous sculpture of Our Lady

In the attack of San Mauro there is a statue of 14 century. Joanni de Santi-Madonna works with a baby. First, the artist set a statue in his garden, because Customer - Church of Maria Formosa - did not accept her. Soon the special grace of sculptures was discovered, and they began to wait and get wonders in response to prayers. Then (1377), the sculpture was transferred to the temple and renamed the Church of St. Christopher in Madonna Dell'ORTO (Madonna in the Garden).

For those who decide to continue the walking on Cannarevo, there will be less tourist, but no less exciting, the side of the life of Venice.

Church of Madonna del Ortho - Gemstone Cannaregio / Reviews of excursion and sights of Venice 23808_1

Church of Madonna del Ortho - Gemstone Cannaregio / Reviews of excursion and sights of Venice 23808_2

Church of Madonna del Ortho - Gemstone Cannaregio / Reviews of excursion and sights of Venice 23808_3

Church of Madonna del Ortho - Gemstone Cannaregio / Reviews of excursion and sights of Venice 23808_4

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