Palazzo Medici Riccardi - Florence Strong / Reviews of Tours and Sights of Florence


If the Cathedral of Santa Maria Del Fiore crashes above Florence as a symbol of her spiritual life, then Palazzo Medici Riccardi is inseparable from the cultural, business and political history of the city.

The first Renaissance mansion of Florence, a sample of civil style in Florentine urban planning, the first house-well with the patio, inspired by the local aristocracy to the structure of similar palaces. Kozimo Medici, choosing in 1445 between the strife of the Brunelevko project and the elegant simplicity of the Mickelozzo project, the tastes of rich people for a long time, and thereby the appearance of Florence.

Behind the outer harsh shell, however, hide brilliant interiors and masterpieces of art.

Simultaneously with the construction of the palace, Kapella Volkhvov (Mages) was painted. The procession of the old, middle and young kings in Bethlehem with rich gifts for the baby Jesus is the topic that allows you to allegorically emphasize the high position of the customer and in a lush retinue to portray people close to him. Benozzo Gotszoli is the author of the fresco that the two rooms of Chapels also depicted among the marching people also his teacher Fra Angeliko and Self-portrait. In the chapel invite every 7 minutes to 10 tourists, allow you to photograph, but not very linger. For those who want to explore the fresco in detail in one of the lower rooms of the palace, an interactive multimedia laboratory has been established. Driving a contactless touch screen, visitors can extract the most exclusive information about the masterpiece.

In 1659, Medici were forced to sell the Palazzo family Gabrielo Riccardi, who brought the Baroque style to the interiors, expanded the structure, began to collect the family library. In the 17th century A gallery of the mirrors, decorated with the front frescoes of the artist L. Jordano - an object, mandatory for inspection.

When good luck turned away from the Riccardi dynasty, in 1814 the Palazzo was sold to the state. From 1865 to 1870 Florence managed to be the capital of the United Isalya, and Palazzo - headquarters of the interior. Since 1874, the city authorities develop the museum and library appointment of the palace.

In addition to the chapels of Magi, the column courtyard with the statue of Orpheus, granting Cherberry, Garden, Gallery, should not miss the miracle of the Florentine Renaissance - "Madonna and Baby" Filippo Lippi.

On terraces, in the gallery Palazzo place temporary art exhibitions, installations, interesting for photo shoots.

You can visit Palazzo on any day, except for the medium, from 9.00 to 19.00 for € 10.00, if there is no benefit. You can go no later than 18.30. Evening illumination enhances the magic of this Florentine symbol of magnitude, wealth and culture.

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