Sofuz Castle and surroundings - Transformer excursion / Reviews of excursion and sights Milan


Visiting Duomo incites cultural, and a gastronomic appetite. After the mood, it is good to continue to get acquainted with Milan, rejoicing that Object number 1 has already been mastered.

Dante Street to Square Castello allows for 10-15 minutes to move from 14th century, when the construction of the Milan Cathedral began, at 15 V. - Epoch of the formation of the darts of the dukes of Sforza. The features of the architecture of this era are most brightly manifested in the appearance of the castle, which was rebuilt, passed into the hands of the French, Spaniards, Austrians, destroyed up to the II World War and was restored in the twentieth century.

After examining the general view of the castle outside, on the part of the fountain and the J. Garibaldi monument, you can choose your excursion option.

Sultry or rainy weather will be located to a quick review of fortress gear walls, round, square and medium towers. Quickly cross the army area, throw a look at the ditch, which has never been water, and hide in dry and air-conditioned duke apartments, where numerous museums are located. The choice is better to do in advance so as not to get lost among the collections of antiques and weapons, musical instruments and tapestries, works of religious and secular painting, archaeological finds and art of the ancient world. A single one-time ticket (5 euros, and on Tuesdays from 2 pm for free) makes it possible to go to any museum. There are preferential options and subscriptions, everything can be bought on the website of the castle of Sforza. The only one, where you can lose some time, this is at the entrance to the Hall of Michelangelo, where they collect groups to organize to introduce tourists with the sculpture of "Puti Rondanini". We did not wait - and the sculpture of the unfinished, and other dicks a lot.

Warm, clear afternoon or evening about museums can be forgotten. The coat of arms on the fortress walls, not accidentally reminiscent of the Moscow Kremlin, the Watch "Sun of Justice" on the Tower of Philaret, playful cats at the bottom of the Rib - everything attracts attention. In the summer months on the territory of the castle (in the courtyard of Cortile Delle Armi) there are free music concerts.

Especially attractive becomes the Sypeos Park, which leads the rear facade of the fortress. You will not refuse to feed the ducks in the pond, watch fish and turtles, as well as very fashionable Milan athletes, beautifully by running or riding bicycles on the shady alleys of the historical park. You can enjoy Jelato or drink coffee and continue the walk in paradise. Only street vendors should be ignored, who well understand the language of indifference. So you can get out to the arch of the world, but she has its own story.

Sofuz Castle and surroundings - Transformer excursion / Reviews of excursion and sights Milan 23777_1

Sofuz Castle and surroundings - Transformer excursion / Reviews of excursion and sights Milan 23777_2

Sofuz Castle and surroundings - Transformer excursion / Reviews of excursion and sights Milan 23777_3

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