Jerusalem - Treated City of Religions / Reviews of excursion and sights of Jerusalem


"Jerusalem is a city of three religions," so called the excursion that we visited in April 2014. The price for such a sightseeing walk through Jerusalem was 170 shekels (or 30 dollars).

Arriving on a good comfortable bus in Jerusalem, the first place visited was the "observation deck".

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This site is located so that it opens the view absolutely to all Jerusalem. The guide showed us a Catholic church in the form of a candle, also showed the remnants of the wall-fence of the Old Town, said that Sultan Suleiman built this wall at the request of his wife to Hyrem. By the way, on the observation platform of Arabs, I was stolen by a mobile phone, and a tourist from another bus wallet. But then the phone was returned to me, allegedly found on the floor, although he was lying in the bag, closed on zipper. Familiar who live in Israel say that this is a real miracle that the phone is returned, usually Arabs only steal (

Next, we went to the biggest religious shrine of Jews - "Crying Wall".

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In front of the entrance directly to the Wall of Crying, we were told to wash your hands from special jugs.

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Then passing to the wall we put our prayer notes, prayed and went further.

Passed through the Arab market

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Which was filled with all sorts of different decorations on oriental topics, cups, scarves, wooden checkers, etc. Our guide told us to go quickly and nowhere to stop, because they can all steal. These are, unfortunately, Arab districts in Jerusalem.

Passing the market, we hit the Christian Quarter, and the first our visiting was the "Tears Mary" fountain,

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On stories, it was at this place. Maria stood and cried when Jesus was painted.

Then we went to the biggest Christian shrine - the "Temple of the Merry Coffin".

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There are always a lot of people in the temple. To go to Kivuklia (tomb) and touch the slab, on which Jesus lay, we had to simultane about an hour. Armenian Orthodox is dominated in the temple, and why they are very angry, scream at all, if you want to take a picture, then according to the guide, they will break the camera !!! After visiting Kivukhelia, we rose to Calvary. There is still preserved the stone on which the cross of Jesus Christ was stood. When leaving the temple, there is a plate of world conjunction on which Jesus was imposed when they removed from the cross.

After the temple of the Lord, we went to Mount Zion,

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I visited the room in which there was an evening of the Lord. Watched the monument of the king David,

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We looked at the synagogue.

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On this, our excursion approached the end, and we went to the last sights of Jerusalem "Talking Life",

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As Jews say every person, life is a thread that he covers in the ball, that's why they made such a monument.

Thus, we visited three directions in Jerusalem: Jews and their largest shrine "Wall Wall", the Arabic Quarter and the Christian Quarter with the Temple of the Merry Coffin.

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