Rain Salou


At the end of April of this year, I was fortunate enough for the third time to visit the beloved Salou. I love this Mediterranean resort for many years and gladly arrive here. In the same time, the trip was exclusively working and lowered. I will say right away that out of 8 days that I spent in the city, 5 were very cold, windy and rainy. The first few days of the thermometer's column did not rise above 12 degrees, but in early May, sharply warmed up to 25 degrees. About swimming in the sea speech and could not be, since the sea was very cold (17-18 degrees). Sunbeds and umbrellas on the beach, of course, was not. I regretted that I took little warm things with you. I had to even buy closed shoes for walks on puddles.

In connection with weather conditions, at this time of the year of tourists is very small. It pleases, but along with this, most cafes, bars and shops were closed. Although it should be noted that working cafes and restaurants held quite democratic prices. So, lunch for 1 person with a drink, I did it, approximately, at 13-15 euros, which corresponds to standard Spanish prices.

I could not visit Port Aventura. But again, the weather and pouring rain pretended. Half of the attractions, it opened, it was closed again. Most shows were canceled, and water entertainment was empty without visitors. As at the resort itself, only a few cafes were discovered in Spanish Disneyland, in which it was possible to eat and wait for the shower over a cup of coffee.

But, thanks to this weather, we visited the neighboring cities and remained very satisfied. So, for example, I first visited the wonderful town of Reus, in which the famous Antonio Gaudi was born. I really liked the city and I will definitely return to his next trip to Spain. We also went to a sightseeing tour of Terragon. I used to have already been there, but only to visit local shopping centers. Now I saw a beautiful vintage city on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

This time I saw a completely different Salou. It was a quiet, calm resort with a small number of tourists, deserted beaches and closed shops. Local residents told us that spring 2016 was surprisingly cold, and they did not expect such weather. Of course, I would not recommend tourists to choose april-May for trips to Salou for the goal of a beach holiday. Even if the weather is warm and without rains, then, in any case, the sea will be cool.

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