Crete is the island of gods and divine rest.


When planning your trip to Crete, I carefully studied the weather on the Internet. The end of the spring and the beginning of the summer seemed an excellent option and in fact it was fully confirmed. Hot days, warm nights and gentle Mediterranean Sea.

Crete is a cradle of civilization and there is still a huge amount of ruins of the ancient cities, temples and villages of antique Greeks. Myths and reality intertwined between themselves and delay. After the cave of Zeus and Mabyrinth of Minotaur, I have already started losing the face of reality and began to believe in their real existence. By the way, all these excursions are very available, depending on the object an entrance ticket from 3 to a maximum of 15 euros.

Crete is the island of gods and divine rest. 23632_1

Crete is the island of gods and divine rest. 23632_2

By the way, attended all these memos on a rented car. On the island, all Rent-karas give up without collateral, which is very convenient and profitable. Traveling on Crete on the car is really great and easy. There are no complex or confusing junctions, good roads. The only thing that needs to be neat and not to move too quickly on serpentine roads, in the mountains, and there are a lot of them here. And you should not travel to the very center of the towns, because only experienced local motorists can dispense at narrow streets. Yes, and for parking here you are unlikely to find a place.

Crete is the island of gods and divine rest. 23632_3

On the same car you can go around almost all the coast. And then at home, boldly telling that they rested "on the seas" in the plural. Because here the Mediterranean Sea is conditionally divided into ionic, Libyan and Aegean, it is Cretan. Beaches everywhere wonderful and free.

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Crete is the island of gods and divine rest. 23632_5

And in addition to everything - a wonderful Greek cuisine with critical herbs. The sociable waiter said that there are plants, herbs that do not grow anywhere else in the world and many of them are seasoning to dishes. By the way, a couple of "Life hacks" from local chefs, which our and did not dream.

1) Fish and seafood are only one quality / variety. She herself saw how the restaurant's cook threw out a glass showcase, explaining to me curious that it was possible to cook only live, and if she was dying, then her place in the garbage. What is frozen fish, he, in my opinion, did not even know.

2) If a dish "Fish / meat with vegetables" is written in the menu - 300 grams, "be sure you bring to the dish, where 300 grams will be meat or fish, but they do not count vegetables and are, as if an additional bonus.

Local merchants, restaurants and hotel staff are good if they know Russian. Almost in every cafe and restaurant there are me in Russian. Therefore, knowledge of languages ​​in Crete is not at all.

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