Exotic holiday in March on Langkavi Island, Malaysia.


I wanted to go with my wife to go for an exotic holiday in winter. They turned to several tour operators so that they found us an interesting tour in some distant, exotic, preferably Asian, country. The search of the tour independently was not considered - far and not everything can be foreseen. The choice fell on Malaysia. From several of the proposed islands chose one of the largest. Langkavi Island.

Weather on the island in March - does not particularly please. This is the season of torrential rain. Although they are very short-term - up to 20 minutes, but very abundant. So abundant, which had to make shoes. In the afternoon, the temperature reaches +32, in the evening +25. High humidity and comfortable only near the water (this is if subjectively about your impressions).

Island big, good roads. Transportation is left-hand. The island refers to the category of tropical. Very varied flora and fauna. Many walking monkeys. The most interesting, they are so not afraid of people that they can climb into a fight). Steal. It is impossible to leave things on the hotel's balcony. It is worth treating them carefully. In general, the island is very rich in all sorts of birds, animals and insects. At night, the island lives his own life, and - not the most quiet. With unaccustomed - a little scary). The island ishes the Andaman Sea (Malack Bay). Water in the sea is very warm. The water temperature reaches +29 degrees. The sea has an incorrect system of tidys. Usually, this is a semi-appearance. By evening, there is a tide, in the morning - the sump. Beaches clean, with white sand. But, there are beaches with green vegetation.

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One day was allocated for a sightseeing tour of the island. They read some guidebooks and reviews on different sources, and decided to take a taxi for the whole day. It turned out several times cheaper than buying a tour from local operators. It was decided to visit the main attraction of the island - Dataran Lang. Beautiful, large monument to Eagle with the inscription Langkawi.

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Then we went to the crocodile farm. If you were on such farms in Thailand, then do not waste time. This is a miserable similarity. There are a couple of old crocodiles and not the most interesting show. At the farm there is a shop with crocodile leather goods. Prices - Space!

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We wanted to visit the Heavenly Bridge of Langkawi Sky Bridge, but arriving at him to see a huge queue for lifts and decided that it was not particularly needed by this landmark in a strong heat. We walked around the local market and returned on the same taxi to the hotel.

I will describe local cuisine. Since we have been paid only to breakfasts, then all the rest we fed in local cafes. Specific food, asian and very sharp. In almost all establishments there is a menu for competently translated Russian. Many seafood, according to the most adequate prices. Most liked Langustins.

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Also - a lot of exotic fruits sell. All fresh and very tasty.

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Souvenirs Standard for all islands. Platelets, key chains with local attractions.

In general, I liked the rest. The only thing far and fly long.

P.S. The island is considered a Duty Free zone. Do not reserve alcohol at airports. On the island is much cheaper and in a sufficient assortment.

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