Galilee Christian. Nazaret


In March of this year, Galilean was visited, one of the most popular places for tourists, wishing to go in the footsteps of Christ. To visit the place of ministry and the miracout of Jesus.

The excursion took at Atlantis, if you wish, you can consider this to advertise, but I am greatly pleasure to rectify this particular tourist company, because we really liked it very much. The company has wonderful guides and just high-class drivers, very comfortable buses with air conditioning.

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So, the trigger in Galileo Christian is $ 50, or 100 shekels, if you buy it already in Israel ($ 25).

The first stop in our excursion was the city of Nazareth. Small, pretty cozy town. The childhood and youth of Jesus Christ passed here. Joseph and Maria lived here, and it was here that Maria recognized from the angel that he would give birth to the Son of God. At the place of the house of Mary is now built just huge in its size and gorgeous in beauty, church.

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This church belongs to the Catholics-Arabs. At the bottom of the church, the remains of Mary's home are still preserved,

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And the place on which she stood when meeting with an angel made stucco.

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In the courtyard of the church, icons from all countries of the world are placed, depicting the Virgin Mary, and the ministry pass through the loudspeaker, so heard in the whole district.

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Next, we went to the lake Kinryet (Genisaret Lake, the Galilee Sea), a source of fresh water for all Israel, to the place where Jesus distributed bread and fish,

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In place of the first miracle. Now there is a small church there, and there is such a small feature - everyone can make a paper boat and leave the icon, symbolizing hope and waiting for the execution of prayers.

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Also on the way, we drove the valley of Armageddon, the place where the last battle of good and evil will be. According to the guide, for the history of the state of Israel, all this valley is impregnated with blood, but today, this is an excellent green valley and grows wheat on it.

The next holy place was the Jordan River,

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The Baptism of Jesus.

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The place where people come from all over the world to be baptized, wash away from their sins, ask for forgiveness from God.

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To take baptism or make a ablution on the Jordan River, you need to buy special clothes, the price of which in souvenir shops for tourists costs $ 20, and in a regular store for the inhabitants of Israel - 20 shekels (5 dollars). Therefore, if you decide to go to the Jordan River, then buy yourself clothes for baptism in the nearest store to your hotel.

This excursion includes lunch in the restaurant on the Genisaret Lake, the price of which is $ 20 per person, and the baked "Fish Peter" is served for lunch. Also at lunch includes a buffet of salads, and a cup of coffee or tea.

After lunch, we went to another amazing place - the Greek Church of the Cathedral of the Twelve Apostles,

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To the city of Capernaum.

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The terrain is very beautiful, flowers, bananas, cacti, lemons, unusual trees, which give a good shadow in a hot Israeli day are growing around the temple. There is also a place fenced by a fence on which peacocks and chickens stroll. The temple stands on the shore of the Genisaret Lake and has access to water.

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Thus, in this journey, we drove along the shore of the Genisaret Lake and visited several places in which Jesus Christ was doing and worked.

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This excursion is very good, light, the time we spent on the bus was also with benefit, thanks to our guide who told us all the way about the features of the life and existence of Israel.

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