Amazing city of Lviv


Hello, dear readers. Today I want to tell you about the beautiful city of Lviv. This city is quite old and was founded in 1240. Lviv - European year, the capital of Western Ukraine. The population of the city is about 800,000. The city was founded by Galitsky Prince Daniel Romanovich. It is interesting for this city with attractions and old buildings.

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Many Lviv buildings are listed on UNESCO. This wonderful city is the largest number of monuments of Ukraine.

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Lviv is distinguished by some feature, the whole city is simply filled with historical memos, old churches and temples, several cultures are collected in this city, such as Jewish, Polish and Ukrainian.

If you decide to relax in Lviv, then you must visit some interesting places:

1. Square Market - Central Square of Lviv, at which the administrative building of the city is located. Here you can take a sightseeing trip to any part of Lviv with a guide, which will tell you detail about all the sights. The excursion can be hiking or by bus and the price per person ranges from 100 to 200 hryvnia.

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2. The Town Hall is a tower of 65 meters high, located on the central square (market area). The tower is built into the administrative building of Lviv. To get to the town hall and see all the lions, you need to go to the admin. The situation, climb the elevator to the 4th floor, and then for a long time to go up a wooden step on the observation platform. The entrance to the town hall is 10 hryvnia.

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3. Pharmacy Museum "Under Black Eagle" - the oldest pharmacy in Lviv and the only pharmacy museum in all of Ukraine. Here your attention will be presented the oldest devices for making medicines and the oldest recipes.

4. The high castle is a monument of history, in the construction of which, the King of Russia Lev Danilovich and the Polish king Casimir III took part.

5. Lviv Coffee Shop is perhaps one of the most interesting places for coffee lovers! Here you can buy "Lvivski Kavu" in the grain, also in the store "Lvivska Manufactory Kavi" there is a large selection of pictures on coffee themes, Turks for brewing coffee and even recipe books.

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Also, be sure to take time and just stroll through the center of Lviv, visit the famous Lviv "Maisonuna Shokolod",

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On which you can not only purchase handmade candies, chocolate from around the world, but also see how all these chocolate products are preparing.

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You can still visit Zuckerny - here you can also buy or see how lollipops do.

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Walk to Jewish street and go to the cafe "Under the Golden Rose", try this Jewish cuisine.

I will say a few words about how much accommodation is accommodation in this beautiful city. So, if you decide to live in a hotel, then the price for the double room will be from 500 hryvnia. Motel, three kilometers from Lvov, you will cost 300 hryvnia for the room for two, including breakfast. But the hostel in the city center will cost from 90 hryvnia for the place.

Now let's talk a little about nutrition. So, if you decide to have a snack in a cafe, then prices will be as follows:

- Salad - from 35 hryvnia;

- baked fish - from 80 hryvnia;

- burning dish - from 25 hryvnia;

- ice cream - from 25 hryvnia;

- Coffee - from 15 hryvnia.

The city of Lviv is a great place to stay, so in the center you can see many groups of foreign tourists from France, Germany, Poland, etc. Lviv keeps an ancient history in itself, so it deserves your attention.

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