Protaras - not Sochi, but still not Europe


Today I want to tell about how I discovered a small island called Cyprus. I always wanted to visit this block of land the size of Crete, but constantly entered into Greece, then in Egypt, but it was accomplished. I must say right away that my expectations went away with reality. Expectations were due to the stories of acquaintances, as well as through reading reviews on the Internet. Upon arrival in Larnaca, I was preparing to see a fabulous and paradise island, but as a result, some symbiosis of our Black Sea coast and Europe opened the gaze. All the same taxi drivers at the exit of the terminal, trade in the street, such as stuck, but still not until the end of the adjacent territories. However, according to arrival in Protaras, namely there was a place in which I had to spend the next 10 days - the impression was only intensified. A small village, which for some reason, is all proudly called the city, all the same street vendors who do not have an even account of anything to buyers, poorly covered laziness, which was read in the filled urns, inconsistency of the schedule of buses and other problems of this kind.

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Not trouble, I thought and did not lose. Hotels, though small - but terribly cozy, excellent and not intrusive service, friendly and friendly attitude to all tourists without exception, regardless of nationality and degrees of intoxication (for some reason, there were a lot of "translaimed", and not Russian!). Specifically in Protaras entertainment - you can not run, but it was very nice to just walk along the streets and breathe with the freshest air that did not meet anywhere. For young people there is a way out - from many hotels in the evening there are special free "parties" minivans, which dip the ceremonies suffering in the night club life. Nature turned out to be Greek, so long there is no sense to stop and sharpen attention. By the way, people who are tired of swimming in slates so as not to be born about stones - most of the beaches in Cyprus are predominantly sandy, so water treatments also deliver solid pleasure.

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What surprised - so this is "wrong" traffic on the roads. Even moving the roadway was unusual, not to mention to rent a car and go on a journey through the island. The steering wheel, of course, on the right, the gearbox is left, though not loaded, but I did not risk, and I do not advise you. It is much safer to choose a tour of the soul, even though the price tag and bites a little - but comfortable to get and inspect the sights, which is enough and for different tastes, starting with numerous holies and temples and ending with the territory that still belongs to Turkey and is in complete launch . It is a pity that you can hardly get on it.

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