New Year Gagra - Fairy Tale Resort


On the eve of the new year, I really want to believe in miracles, break out of the dummy gray winter and plunge into a fairy tale. And I did not deprive myself this opportunity. Reading contradictory reviews about Abkhazia, the first time doubted whether it was worth choosing this place for a New Year's trip, but in the end he stopped at the resort of Gagra. At this time of the year, the sea is already quite cold and the swimming season has long been closed, so the influx of tourists falls, which allows you to save on a ticket, but not impressions!

Gagras met, though windy, but steadily warm weather - the thermometer column for the entire New Year holidays did not fall below ten degrees. I am in an excellent double room overlooking the Mountains Hotel Kontinent Gagra (usually the rooms are painted, but I was lucky - the reception was offered to choose views of the mountains or the sea). Choosing a housing in the central Gagra, I was not mistaken - the famous Gagra Colonnade was located in 150, literally meters. Four snow-white towers rose with gigars, interconnected by arcades from arches. Spirit captures from seen beauty! And next to the square, an elegant fountain decorated with a pigeon sculpture.

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For lovers of hiking walks, the Primorsky Park stretched nearby - a real symbol of the resort Gagra. In this oasis of exotic plants and fresh sea air, it is possible to admire the evergreen vegetation of Abkhazia, breathe the aroma of flowering roses and magnolia, and even ripping a ripe mandarin hanging from the branch.

Each tourist Gagra is simply obliged to visit the Gagripsh restaurant - so told me guides to the question of local institutions. And this really turned out to be a unique place - the atmosphere of the restaurant seems to be in a century ago.

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It seems that the menu has included all the variety of Abkhaz national cuisine - here you can try Hincali, real Mamalygu, Chakhokhbili, Satziva and many more dishes for which your stomach is enough. True, the prices here are a bit overpriced - other restaurants and cafes cost significantly cheaper, but once it's still going to go around for an excursion.

In general, Gagra on Christmas Eve and New Year fascinates. And he enjoy the hospitality of this small resort town, it is impossible to remain indifferent to the country of the soul, as the Local residents are called Abkhazia, but also visiting. For youth, this rest will seem boring, but the true lovers of the beauty of nature and healing sea air will appreciate the winter Gagra.

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