Magic nature Abkhazia


I remembered my vacation in Abkhazia. I wanted to share.

When my husband and I gathered on vacation in Sukhumi, for some reason all familiar and relatives discarded us. But we never listened to anyone and did not regret it.

If you want to spend your stay with health benefits and relax with soul and body, and not just hang out on the banks and warm your belly under the scorching sun, then you will certainly be visited by Sukhumi.

We went on our car. The road was certainly not out of the lungs. After turning to Sochi, most of the route took place in the mountainous area. But for what circle there were landscapes. Just captured the spirit.

Sukhumi turned out to be a very beautiful city located between the mountains and the sea. The first thing that rushed into the eyes and certainly pleased, it is abundant vegetation. The city literally drowned in the greenery of various rare relict plants, which will not meet anymore in any resort of the Black Sea. Housing prices, products and entertainment were significantly lower than in cities on the coast of the Krasnodar Territory.

The sea was just magic. I have never seen such clean water anywhere. Beaches in Sukhumi only pebble. Behind the territory constantly monitor, garbage and other traces of the vital activity we did not see.

As I said, Sukhumi turned out to be a very beautiful city. During the vacation time, we walked a lot through the territory of the old sanatoriums, which were located along the entire coastal strip. Admired local species.

One day we went to hot thermal springs, located in the village nearby. These sources are local residents consider their attraction. Sukhumi is just a huge selection of sightseeing programs on nature monuments and architecture. These are trips to the blue lake, in the gorge of Pitsundu, different waterfalls and of course the Great Cave New Athos. In most of these places it was possible to get on their own transport, which we did. It turned out much cheaper. The only place we visited along with the excursion is the Cave New Athos. If you love nature, all these excursions will definitely come true.

In general, vacation week in Sukhumi flew very quickly and we really liked the city. And the one who is constantly looking for negative sides and cons will find them everywhere, even in a five-star luxury hotel.

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