Goyan Privacy with Nature


In Goa, I rested in early May. It did not take risked on the northern part, having heard and reading feedback. May is the end of the resort season. I rested in the city of Cavelosssim. Describe the beauty of the sea and the shore is very hard. Long sandy beach, and the sand and truth crushes under his feet. By the way, the beach was clean, he was constantly removed. On the shore felt solitude, calm. And if we take into account the balance and phlegmatic lifestyle of the Goaians, who are absolutely not in a hurry anywhere, then they themselves become like them. Waves, of course, at this time are crazy: they shot off from all, without exception. The sea is already dangerous in May.

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It was not that there is no longer the season. Only two sek (local cafes) worked on the shore, although the owner of Shekov said that in the season they have a big competition, but many have already curled. We walk walking along the coast towards the cooking. At night, I would certainly not go, but after lunch it was possible to arrange a promenade. I want to add that Cooking, unlike Cavelosxim, a fairly closed resort. There are no stores nearby, no cafe. But in Cavelyosxime, everything is in order. I liked that in the evening you can go to a local restaurant (there were even quite decent for this area), there was a small market where you can buy fruit at a low price, as well as a supermarket. As for drinks, we really liked Giana Rom "Old Monk", which cost relatively cheap (bottle of 0.7l. Cost about $ 10). When you open a bottle, such a pleasant fragrance is felt. Personally, he reminded the smell of candy. Outside hotels, it was often possible to see the garbage mountains. No matter how cool, Goa never was famous for its purity.

As for the weather, in May is already very hot, it is very easy to burn in the sun. Air humidity elevated, in the evening, the "sauna effect" was well felt. The rainy season begins in May. We were lucky, for 9 days of resting the rain was just once, but after him immediately there was a living nature in the form of frogs and hecom.

At the expense of security at the resort, the guide was warned, so we tried not to walk in dark unlit places, and even more so on the grass. Still Goa - a country where many wild animals live.

Generally Goa is a fairly specific resort, you need to understand where you are going. The beauty of nature hides the poor, dirty life of the population.

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