Mukachevo - Corner of Europe in Transcarpathia


Mukachevo attend every year and every year we discover something new for yourself, and we return to already known places. First of all, attend the Castle of the Palanok is one of the wonders of Ukraine. The centuries-old structure, which has become a defensive structure many years ago, and the attraction of the city in our time. Excursions with a guide allow to plunge into ancient era and see the life of many centuries ago. Now the Castle of the Palana is restored almost completely and there is no analogues in Ukraine. The magnificent idea, which we can no longer use, is offered in the castle - the marriage procedure and the painting in one day. Many couples, waving in the castle, from which all Mukachevo, as on the palm, are connected by the bonds of marriage and hopefully live happily. Since steam is really a lot. The insanely picturesque center of Mukachevo. Stone paved by the central square in the Town Hall and shopping passes just remind of proximity to Europe. Confectionery shops should be visited by both children and adults, you will not find such an assortment in metropolitan glamorous establishments. In the central market, we usually buy local mushrooms - dried white and pickled chanterelles, hassle, boomes and the same white. Boxes of cans with mushrooms then occupy half the trunk, but I will say with confidence - we did not find the best mushrooms in Ukraine. We walked a lot and streets of the central part, and went to the outskirts where the sky is hiding behind the tops of the Carpathians. Mushrooms went too. This is a kind of hobby in the month of September. Many cars stands along the forest's lycopes on the road from Mukachevo - all the mushrooms. But more confidently buy mushrooms on the market. Pleasant prices in restaurants and cafes Mukachevo surprise. And each institution offers to enjoy local dishes - Deruna with mushroom sauce, Barkh, Bob Level and Banosh. Rest in Mukachevo we diversified a picnic on the outskirts - there is a forest bar and silence. Squirs straight with a tree jump and hide nuts in the ground at the feet. The air is very saturated with oxygen and even the skin becomes smoother. Hotels and hotels are many, both in the city center and on the outskirts. But we chose the outskirts to wake up to see how the sun is rolled out due to the dark forest on the top of the mountains of the mountain. To choose Mukachevo for rest in September we will continue - the ideal ratio of European comfort and picturesque mountains.

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