Feedback on Jeep Safari


Hello again! We continue our adventures on the fabulous beauty of Eldead. I have already written that I started some adrenaline travel and classes, I tried kayaking and diving, and realized that I want new impressions. Friends invited to go to the present Jeep Safari on Chalkidiki. I became very interested to know how it takes place on Cassandra. We were accompanied by a Russian-speaking guide, so it was very interesting to hear about the places where we drove and stopped. Our route was held in such places that we did not hear earlier and have never seen - in this and a feature, at the jeep and in the company of the local accompanying, can be reached in the most hidden corners, places, the bay of the peninsula, where it seems, nature opens to you in His original form. At first we stopped in order to feed the turtles and admired on goldfish. Our path passed through the paths that can conquer only experienced drivers, such as our stratos, for which he is very grateful. We were able to climb the highest point of the Cape, where we have opened such a view of the sea, from which literally captured the spirit. As well as we saw the oldest hotel on Chalkidiki, visited a secluded bay and lunch at the local traditional tavern (they took a few dishes and shared huge portions, so 10 euros per person came out).

This trip gave me a very strong charge and impulse, freed the accumulated energy and filled with a new and fresh, like the Greek air. So I seemed to be updated and saw incredible landscapes that could not see just traveling by car. I advise everyone and going in the new season to bring new friends to make this adrenaline tour of the big company.

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